Fashion is not about clothes, it is about a look.

Do what you are not supposed to do, like wear white shoes all year round.

I would never share my daughter's wardrobe. Every five years you have to go through your wardrobe and say, 'This is possible, this is not possible.' But you have to be happy with yourself.

People think I only wear new clothes, that I'm very trendy, but I like classic things on me, to mix with a trendy pair of shoes.

When you have the baby, there is no BlackBerry, no computer; you just have the baby on your stomach, and your heart is beating the same time as the baby's. It's very nice.

I'm still like a butterfly going from one job to another job. But it's quite lovely - I hope to keep this freedom, to have fun.

One time, a burglar came to my apartment, so we called the police. My son was here, so I think they left before they tried to steal something. So the police come to my apartment, and they say, 'Oh my God, did they steal everything?' I was like, 'No, it was like that!'

I could live very quietly, do advertising to earn money.

Fashion is supposed to be light and not try too hard.

It is very wrong to sleep in your make-up, but when you wake up the next morning, I think it looks very good.

Ballet is good, because it makes you stand up tall.

I get on well with models, and I like to treat them well.

I am from the age of magazines, so the Internet is terrifying to me. But I am learning.

When I was young, no one got married. Now, all the young people, they want to get married, they want security. Now that my children's friends are getting married, I go to more weddings than I ever did when I was young.

To me, makeup is fashion and vice versa. What I dress and what I wear always needs to work with my makeup, which is usually the same anyway.

I never like to wear too much makeup, and sometimes the best makeup is when it's not too perfect. I like to sometimes apply my makeup with my fingers.

I don't have a big appetite. I don't eat a lot, to be honest - never. I'm a bit like a little bird, picking all day long, but I'm not getting pasta or getting all those things, you know?

I think I have character, and that is what people like in me.

I'm not bad-looking, but I'm not a beauty, either.

You can be covered and be very sexy. It's not what you show; it's what you have in mind, the way you cross your legs, the way you talk to people.

I want more women to run countries. There'd be more peace on Earth.

I think beauty can be everywhere.

I have a couture body.

If I could choose something besides fashion, I would love to be a ballerina.