Every good day starts off with a cappuccino, and there's no place better to enjoy some frothy caffeine than at the Bulgari Hotel.

I'm a stylist, so I've been conditioned to setting up my own clothes like a fitting.

Obviously, sometimes I just feel like looking like a box of crayons.

I'm usually in bed by midnight.

I like to work out while I'm away - it's good to clear my head and makes me feel cuter poolside.

My favorite thing about Milan is that you see these guys, and it's as if a spaceship came out of the most attractive planet invented and just dropped them off all across the city.

If you keep everything in the same palette of tone-on-tone neutrals, even a laid-back outfit of a slouchy sweater, jeans, and sneakers gives you a longer, leaner look.

A blouse that hits at the hips or above will keep you from seeming shapeless in a flowy skirt.

We all need relaxed outfits in our arsenals.

It's so cheesy, but I'm a firm believer in 'If you build it, they will come.'

Thom Browne, Michael Bastian... all these people that I love, when I finally get to meet them, I'm like, 'You're a cool guy!'

I love red. Red pants. Red suit. Red coat. Red anything.

My childhood bedroom had wallpaper that was printed with clouds and rainbows.

I'm not opposed to doing a fashion line, but I want to make sure it's the right thing and make sure its something people actually want instead of putting out a bunch of stuff that's already been done.

I don't avoid trends. You do definitely want to be on-trend, but I do like to pick and choose the things that I'm seeing. And not every trend will work on every client of mine.

Everything is very individual for me in the way that I work; I don't just show a rotating rack of clothes.

With glitzy add-ons, the bright, girly dress you bought for daywear becomes fancy enough for evening.

An embellished top with slim pants is great, even for a wedding.

I love weddings: happy people coming together to celebrate in great clothes.

I always have my Bose headphones. I have to have the noise-cancelling headphones.

I only travel with a carry-on suitcase in most instances.

What I believe in and the way I work with my clients is we're so quick to say what we don't like about our bodies, but it's really important to say the things we do like about our bodies. If you know you have great legs or a great butt, or if you're curvy, show it off if you're proud of it.

If you wear a white polka dot on your legs, you're going to want to wear a black polka dot on top.

For me, people see me working with my celebrity clients, but it's important to show people how they can make their lives their own red carpet every day.