There is always a reason behind things that are made, and if there isn't, there will be one when they travel through the world. The objects of beauty are used to impress, seduce, overwhelm, make money, support identities, and show power or style, among other things.

We should make things that people don't want to throw away.

If something is functional, you no longer think about it. I care about how meaningful things are.

I don't just want to create products. I want to reach into people's hearts and minds. I want to create memories.

The things I own are sacred.

Nobody's interested in something that could've been done before.

Why would you spend your life and your time doing something that's insignificant?

I listen to a variety of music. I like everything from old Arabic music to Portuguese fados.

Being open to the unexpected allows me to bring so much to my craft.

When I was a student, my first luxury purchase was a drafting table. It may not seem like a major purchase, but for me, it was the most important thing I could think of to spend my money on.

If we want a world that is truly sustainable, we have to realize that something old can also be perfect. Otherwise, we'll just throw away our yesterday.

The one thing we should address is how design can play a role in the psychological durability of objects, to think of how objects can be engineered in a way that they will be good over time.

There is no one I'd like to exclude when I design. It's not like I'm trying to design for everyone. Probably can't do that. Yet I try not to exclude anyone.

By training, I'm an engineer, but I don't tell anyone because it bores people.

Nothing grows old faster than the new.

Beauty is only about relationships. Nothing is beautiful on its own.

Every project has its own logic and parameters. In some objects, functionality is primary, and in others, it is rather inconsequential.

I like to be the jester - he is the only one the king doesn't question.

Some people have a concept of design: that it should be without the maker. I have been educated in this way, the traditional way. But I am not naive. I know that we make my things, and that people want them. I am signing them - and I am winking at them.

M.A.C. stands for makeup, art, and cosmetics. We're about bringing all these worlds together - makeup, design, fashion.

Food can be a material, and you can use it as a way to project concepts.

I want to make sure people are connected with the future as well as the past.

Normally I don't care so much about food. I'm more interested in the people I'm with.

I like my products to be smart in a technical way but to show the time invested in their creation, too.