One thing we do, to be inclusive, is that when we shoot campaigns, we ensure to do so with models of different body types, skin colors and with those hailing from different cultures.

Today I have learned how to channel my rage through fashion.

I want to be the Tory Burch of India - never once moving from my aesthetic, but offering a story and putting a print on whatever I can.

I make and wear black and white for myself because it centers me.

I literally grew up reading the papers about my existence... that I was a love child. To a kid, it doesn't make any difference. I always thought that if somebody can have an extramarital affair, someone can have a child out of wedlock.

I wanted to be anything but a designer. I was not willing to enroll into fashion school. It is just because that was the last resort and there was nothing else, I had to do it!

Only you can give yourself the love you need and deserve.

I work out five days a week with my personal trainer, who comes home and gets me cracking on my fitness routine.

It's natural to want to have the things your peers do, adopting a lifestyle that lets you have the best of all worlds, but it's a trap. Don't let any person, thing or even a lifestyle have the power to control you. Learn to break free and be independent.

My childhood had much clarity. I didn't see abuse. I didn't see my parents bickering. I didn't live in a dysfunctional family.

I would love to design a car. And shoes, like funky Keds maybe.

My friends were raised by their maids. They didn't see their fathers, who used to travel for work, and there were facades of family vacations. I have grown up to be completely intolerant of fake relationships. That's because of how my parents were.

I am a big fan of players like Roger Federer, Andy Murray, Novak Djokovic and Leander Paes. I would love to see them play.

See, I just don't want to starve at my wedding. So, my dream wedding is one where I get to eat a meal while everyone else enjoys themselves as well.

A piece that is extremely close to my heart is a gold ring with bouts of mint and baby pink that my grandfather gave to my mother and she passed it down to me. What's sweet is that it has my grandparent's name on the flipside.

Athleisure is a cool concept and something I have always wanted to work with.

I have changed drastically because I allow myself to not just grieve and feel down.

I grew up thinking I was inferior to white-skinned people. And as a child if you are conditioned like this, it becomes a part of your upbringing that you believe that probably because I look like this, I won't get anywhere in life.

Fashion is one industry that can really change things around for young boys and girls and make them feel like they are not left out. It can send a message that one doesn't have to look a certain way to be considered more beautiful or fashionable.

In India we have hundreds of skin tones and don't we need to show that?

You know, all these fancy, detailed diets work only if you are sitting at home doing nothing. If you are working, where is the time to whip up food again and again?

Designer labels, throughout the history of fashion, have maintained an air of exclusivity around themselves. Call it hype, criticize it if you will. But fashion has used this 'exclusive' tag to make itself coveted.

Once upon a time, fashion was complex, and ostentatious was considered better.

When I was growing up, I always saw brides around me under tremendous stress. The pressure to dress a certain way, wear a certain amount of jewelry and make-up... I saw how uncomfortable it was. So I decided that, if I do get married, I'll be someone who puts comfort first, and then looks at her options for cut, color, embroidery or jewelry.