Running is easy. It is a misconception that it is tough.

All stress can be used to better yourself, each individual has to understand how to use that particular stress - whether it is in your relationship, personal life, your own thoughts about yourself - to become a better person.

Stress is a good thing, of course. Hunger, thirst are both stresses; if not for them, we would not survive. It is only the way we deal with stress that we need to examine.

I actually have a bad memory.

The kind of freshness that newcomers have is something that you can learn from. As you grow, a certain staleness creeps in your technique. But when you see someone with no experience at all doing a scene, you can learn from that.

I have had no musical training.

Mani Shanker is brilliant. And working with brilliant people is exhilarating.

I want to work with people who have new visions of cinema.

I haven't been to the gym since 1998. I simply do push-ups and pull-ups, and I run. That's all.

The government is talking about developing smart cities and to them, smart cities mean infrastructure. But to me, a city is smart when the mindset of the people is conducive to fitnness and health.

If you convince your mind that you can't give up then your body will automatically follow.

I make sure that I am active all time. For example I make it a point not to use the lift or escalator. If there is a staircase then I will climb it, even if it is 10 floors.

Be fit. It will keep your body and skin looking good.

I want to set up the world's biggest triathlon.

In my day, there were 20 models in all of India, three of whom were male. One of whom was me.

I just love my body. I think if you love your body, you won't want to change it.

What we call endurance sport today, we've been doing for centuries with pilgrimages, walking across the earth towards some goal, which is not all-important, because it's the journey that matters.

If somebody is excited to cast me in a character that is surprising even for me to play, that is something I'll be looking for.

I can get angry very quickly.

I'm a big fan of my mom's cooking.

I accept roles which are challenging and surprise me, inducing hard work and thinking. Such opportunities are few and far between but when they come I grab them.

I like challenging myself physically and mentally.

Having control over what you eat is very very important.

If you do the same thing over and over again, then you will definitely get stale and jaded like most actors do.