I feel lazy every day! It's the worst thing for me to wake up in the morning and get out of bed, and that is where the discipline comes in.

If you run regularly for 10 to 15 kms, you get into that space where it is like meditation. There is no confusion in your head, thoughts enter and leave and you let go of all your pent-up emotions.

Food is fuel. Unless there's an activity, the body doesn't know what to do with it. If you're just lying on the couch, everything spreads and your hormones act up!

I used to own two gyms in Delhi called Breathe, so obviously I've entered a gym, but I don't use a gym for fitness.

The kind of encouragement I had as a child to continue sports was brilliant. Like any other family, my people asked me to stress more on studies rather than swimming. But, my mother said 'He enjoys it and should balance both studies and sports.'

I have not done too much television because I do not like doing one project over a very long period of time.

Pinkathon has carved a niche of being more than a marathon. Pinkathon forever training has created a culture of regular exercise and fitness which is taking root in India.

I stay away from packaged and over-processed food.

I've learnt that I'm unpredictable and unstable, not emotionally, but in terms of my lifestyle. I don't have a job. I don't have a career. I travel a lot. I like to experience different things.

I am an Asian food lover.

It is very important for women to stay fit. They rule our world. They rule our family. If they won't be healthy, then it will affect all of us. However, health is never their priority. They will do everything to keep their family members healthy but neglect their own health.

I was mired in modelling and acting. But as I am an outdoors person, I was still trekking and doing some other activities.

For me, taking care of your health is the first step towards empowerment whether you're a man or a woman.

I began running half-marathons and it helped my fundraising for the multiple sclerosis society and others.

When people would ask me which was my favourite destination, I would say I didn't have one, because I would always want to go to a new place, but Maldives is incredible.

My whole idea of being fit is not having to train for anything. That is the fitness level I aim to maintain.

Some people are very much comfortable working out in gyms. Basically, it is all about movement. If you are comfortable moving in a gym, that is absolutely fine. But gymming does not work for me. I don't like carrying those weights and doing workouts on those heavy machines.

I am one of those people who love to act in films but does not want to watch them.

I constantly want to see what level of fitness I am at.

Choosing a form of exercise you enjoy will help keep you fit and motivated.

As you grow older, your body does become weaker, but your mind becomes stronger. You understand and accept yourself.

I never say no to an opportunity that I know nothing about.

The tendency of people skirting 30s and 40s is to feel lethargic or weak. But trust me, most of it is in your head. If you keep pushing and challenging yourself, your body will not betray your will.

Dedication plays a key role and in 'India's Next Top Model,' that will be a major trait on which I will be judging the girls.