Lardini is my go-to tailor. They work with me on a lot of personal things, which is nice.

I think many men are either time poor or have little interest in going to stores. I love stores.

If someone tells me I can't wear something, that's the moment when I want to wear it.

A Mac PowerBook is a thing to behold.

I carry both a Blackberry and an iPhone. But for my job, the iPhone is essential because of picture-taking and because of picture sharing.

There's something about the U.S. and Japan: two opposite ends of the planet, two completely different languages, and yet, especially in menswear, they share this kind of idealized way of dressing that is so close to what we do in America.

A gray flannel suit by Thom Browne or Tom Ford can be worn a billion ways. I'll wear a gray flannel jacket with a white shirt, gray flannel tie, beat-up fatigues, and a dress shoe or Carpe Diem boots.

The Japanese are the ultimate students: they analyse things in so much detail... until they have pretty much mastered whatever they are studying.

There are so many more people in Tokyo than in New York, but it's pristine. It's so organized, and yet the address system is in complete chaos.

I love Italian food - especially Tuscan-style cuisine.

A man in Tom Ford will develop a nice, long relationship with the brand. Ford is very smart about positioning his product. He's a name that is going to remain huge.

I went through a Billy Idol phase. I had white hair when Peter Rizzo hired me at Barneys.

Not all black T-shirts are created equal.

I love London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Paris - there are a million places I could imagine I like, but N.Y. is home.

To me, a Harris Tweed jacket is the kind of thing you should be able to have in your closet years from now - possibly it was your father's jacket or, even better, your grandfather's jacket.

I think Hong Kong has always had this tradition of custom-made suits, which I've never done but love the idea of.

I happen to have an expensive clothing habit, so, for me, designing clothes is a way to kill two birds with one stone.

I have been a fan of Forty Five Ten since my first visit to Dallas in 2010, when I was working with the hometown competitor.

I still think of myself as a retailer first, but I also know how to make clothes.

I think a lot of gay kids in the midwest or in places not in New York have to overachieve in order to sort of get through the fear of what they're going through.

My advice to young people - wait until it's your turn. Just kidding, sorta.

I guess I know how to dress myself, and that's probably the only thing I can do, so it's nice that somebody notices.

I have to say, I love the summer, but I don't love summer clothes to the degree I love fall clothes.

Oh God, I am so pro-shorts. I love shorts.