Michael Phelps is a beast. He's like a human fish.

English was my worst subject in school.

When I have a really big shoot, I start thinking about the calories and how much I'm eating compared to how much I'm working out.

In general, I can't stand people who always turn a conversation into something about them. I can't stand it when people are too into themselves.

If something is meant to be, then it will be.

I don't think I read an entire book in high school.

I'm always trying to do something active because I love it.

I think Dwyane Wade is really a wonderful guy.

On a scale of 1-10, I would consider myself an 8.5 rowdy. I prefer being rowdy in the day. I'm a 10 day rowdy, 7 night rowdy.

If I had a shoot the next day, I would definitely try to cut down on the salt because that's really bad for bloating, and you want to look fresh.

It's important to protect your skin in the sun.

I wish I loved to run, because I'd love to run through Central Park or on vacation on the beach, but I absolutely hate it.

If you're stressed out by someone, or if something is dragging you down, it will show on your skin.

I try to always take off makeup. But I'm also human, and sometimes I get lazy. However, I do try to encourage people to make it a habit.

If I want to detox, I'll do the juicing thing for sure. I'll have two juices and then a solid meal for either dinner or lunch.

The first place I went in America was Boca Raton, and I thought it was awesome. It was spring break, and there were tons of young people and cute Americans in Speedos.

I try to always work with the same hair and makeup people, so they're my friends, and that makes the process so much more fun.

You can't really fake confidence.

If you're dehydrated, you will automatically lose the glow in your skin.

Bring a workout DVD with you everywhere. I always have one in my bag.

I feel like people see me as this girl next door, and that comes across in my photos.

A regular workout for me is 30 minutes of intense cardio followed by lifting weights.

There have been times when people have told me to lose weight or tone up certain areas... It hurts no matter who you are and how skinny you are or how big you are.

Don't overdo it. If you're doing a strong lip, keep the eyes simple, and the other way around.