Overall, I try to have five small meals a day to keep my metabolism up.

I wouldn't be who I am and where I am today if it wasn't for years of education.

I grew up in Denmark and was fortunate enough to have access to good schools and thoughtful teachers.

I strongly believe that education is a human right and that it's extremely valuable, no matter where you live in the world.

I never really understood why guys wear boxers underneath swim trunks.

I prefer to keep my face as clean as possible when I am not working.

I mix up my workouts to make sure I get cardio, toning, and strengthening covered.

Miami's great. I love going there for a weekend of fun.

You can't take yourself too seriously with anything.

Vimmia is my new favorite thing. I absolutely love the fabric. I do a lot of high-intensity workouts, so the clothing is perfect for that.

I usually work out around six times a week, but if I have the 'Swimsuit' issue, I'll work out seven times a week.

I shot a lingerie campaign in Munich once during the winter, and it was actually snowing. At one point, my body literally turned blue, and we had to stop for 20 minutes to get my temperature back to normal. I kept telling myself, 'Try not think about the cold,' but that's extremely hard when you feel like your toes are about to fall off.

I moved from Denmark to America. I left my family. I left my school. I left my friends. And it was basically to pursue my career, and I didn't know if it was going to work out. So that was very scary to leave everything and just put everything into a whole new thing where you don't know if you're going to make it or not. But I think I'm doing good.

I make egg whites... that's about it.

Who doesn't love snuggling to bed?

I am really good at saving my money... I want, like, 100 kids, so I'm going to have to save a lot of money for that.

I think love just happens.

Heidi Klum really created something for herself. She is a personality, a model, an entrepreneur. She has a TV show. She's a designer. She's doing a lot of great things. I think she's pretty smart.

I'm a really good shooter, three-point shooter. I'm good at defense. Dribbling, not so much.

People think that models don't eat. We do eat. Or at least I do. I just work really hard to stay in shape.

I make sure to eat lots of lean protein.

I'm from Denmark, so I like to support the Danes.

Who doesn't want that salty beach hair?

I'm all about first impressions, so I love a guy who looks good and walks in with some confidence. That starts with a clean-shaven face and a great smile that'd I'd like to get close to.