If you feel like an idiot wearing neon yellow shorts, you shouldn't wear them.

I grew up very active, and my parents made me try every single sport there was.

I do Y7 Yoga; I take a lot of Akin's Army classes, soul cycle, boot camps, tone house, SLT, boxing. I do everything.

If somebody tells you to lose weight, it is like a punch in the face.

I love being outdoors. I love just spending time in the sun and hanging out with my friends.

If you want a really good tan, you should start with a spray tan, then move into the sun for a little bit.

I get into a zone, so if I start my day healthy, I'm going to eat clean all day. But if I start my day with an egg sandwich, you can bet I'm gonna mess it all up.

For me, working out is to zone out and just be you. Who cares what you look like?

To me, having a good brow is very important because it is what frames the most important feature on you: your eyes.

I eat a lot of Greek yogurt with honey, a lot of lean protein, vegetables.

I bike everywhere. It's a good workout, and it's so much fun.

When I do my own hair, I love Oribe Texture spray and Redken dry shampoo whenever I'm in a rush. It gives it texture and makes it look clean!

I always try and have a snack before an event - usually a small bowl of chickpea pasta, which is quick to make and delicious with just salt and pepper and a little bit of butter.

My ideal Friday and Saturday evening would be... Friday to go out and have dinner with my girlfriends. Saturday night, I would stay in. I would have somebody cook for me out there because I do not cook very well.

My dream date would be a hike through the woods followed by an outdoor picnic followed by a glass of wine at sunset. Heaven!

What you sweat is what you get.

I always say that MTV cribs is what brought straight men into the fashion world. Once they sort of saw sports guys and music guys had, like, a billion sneakers, they realized, 'Oh, you mean I can have more than one?'

I always say, I have been fired from more jobs than most people would ever have had in their entire career.

Fit and fabric are paramount. If the jacket fits, it doesn't matter what price you paid for it - you will look and feel fantastic.

In the scheme of things, I'm just a guy who gets my picture taken.

I always treat camo as a solid.

I did well in school and was able to excel in those areas where I knew I needed to be good at.

When I was a kid, my parents were happy to buy me clothes; they provided for me.

I'm really pretty classic.