I love a confident guy with smooth skin... such a turn-on!

I think Danish girls might be a little more chill - at least, that's what I've heard from people who've also dated American girls.

I'm not gonna lie: I'm kinda the worst with a diet.

I do wear makeup when I work out. I am one of those people.

I personally love working out, but I always try to switch it up.

I always tell myself, 'There are so many things you regret doing or eating, but you never regret a workout.' I always feel better after a workout. I have more energy, and mentally, I'm in a better place.

I love a confident guy and a guy that makes me laugh and who is a little hard to get.

I'm not embarrassed that I'm a fan of Justin Bieber.

Ain't nobody got time for crusty lips.

Denmark's fall and winter were really cold and long, actually, but my job often takes me to paradise, so I can't complain.

If I'm dancing, I'm definitely not wearing heels. I just don't love wearing heels. I feel it's just a thing you have to do to keep it sexy or whatever, but I really don't enjoy it. I just love wearing a sneaker.

Instagram is a perception game.

I surround myself with positive, happy people. And I always try to balance things that I have to do with things that I want to do.

I just support people that truly believe that all women are beautiful.

Guys may feel spray tanning is taboo and think it's a girl thing, but you look better with it, so why wouldn't you do it?

Everywhere else in the day, my brain is in a thousand different places, but when I'm working out, I can only focus on the pain.

I think that it's all about finding that confidence in you. If you don't feel like you have it, figure out what's making you unhappy - whether it's your surroundings, your job, whatever it is. Go out and change it.

I want girls to be able to relate to me, and I think that's why a lot of commercial clients like me: because I'm just like everyone else.

I always have either nuts, Luna bars, or fruit in my bag. A pack of instant oatmeal is also good to carry because it's a quick, nutritious meal you can make almost anywhere.

I actually love spinning for relaxation and to keep my body healthy, but besides that, I love exploring new restaurants.

When I work out in the morning, I go bare-faced. I do spinning, and it's dark in there anyway, so no one sees you. If it's after work, I remove whatever's on my skin from the day.

My pre-game before an event is to take a steam and a long hot shower before prepping my skin.

Love me some oysters. I always try them in different countries and cities.

I like people who can make fun of themselves, who don't take themselves too seriously.