Everyone looks better in clothes that skim the body. Items that fit properly make you look better than wearing something oversize.

Yes, there are probably too many tattoos. But there are too many bad haircuts, too many bad shoe choices, too many bad jeans.

For me, a Thom Browne suit is an investment.

Outside of white button-down oord cloth shirts, Trickers brogues, 501s, and Ray-Ban Aviators, the single item of clothing that I have had in my closet consistently since 1982 is a pair of black-and-white checked Vans. They are the lazy man's shoe - perfect for dog walking and security lines at the airport.

Fire Island Pines is my perfect escape from N.Y.C. on weekends. Beautiful beaches, great restaurants, and fun people - exactly what I need after a crazy New York week.

Some people are born with a caul. I was born with a jacket.

I almost always wear a jacket, but I like different jackets. I also like funny pants.

Great product trumps all. You can have the biggest marketing budget, the biggest show, a perfect merchandising plan, but at the end of the day, it doesn't mean anything if the design and quality of the product you are offering is not compelling.

I understand I'm not everyone's cup of tea, and I certainly don't want everyone to look like me. I really only dress for myself.

Women don't think they need to exercise or run. They have a million excuses for why they don't have the time; they've got children at home, puja to attend to, breakfast to prepare and so on.

In India, we don't have a culture of sports. We don't have a culture of an active lifestyle or exercise. If we want to change this mindset, women are the key. That's why we started the Pinkathon.

Every political party, rotary club, every college, school, all organisations organise running events. This is something that ignites the aspirations of people.

It is unfortunate that as a country we don't have this culture of promoting health and sports.

I give credit to my mom for inspiring and encouraging me to take sports seriously. She was a professor of biochemistry and at the age of 60 when she retired she started trekking.

I find acting fun, and don't want to do away with that. I have never been able to see it as a job. It is another world I go to every once in a while.

I like the outdoors. I like to run. In gym I feel restricted. When I exercise in open, it gives me a certain freedom and pushes me to do more.

I have never liked going to the gym.

The first step in empowerment is taking control of your health, respecting yourself and understanding and celebrating the value you bring to your family and society.

I'm not a gym person, but I eat well and go for long jogs and that works for me.

I want all the aspiring models out there to know that it's definitely not just a pretty face that matters!

I do not have friends and network with the commercial cinema world. In every business, the network is important.

I think people do not associate me with the mainstream.

Nobody wants to cast me in films, yes that is true. I do not know why, but that is the reality.

When you grow older, you realize that all that matters is the connection between two people. What the other person's dreams are, what they do, what they want to be, that's their business and you have to give them space for that.