To run a marathon was a challenge that I had in my head since I was a kid.

There's no failure or success, just the experience of living in the moment.

Bad habits are easy to slip into and good habits are very easy to build. Don't allow yourself to do something that can destroy you.

When I'm travelling, I don't like hotels that much because the spaces they have are really small. So, I look for a homestay or an Airbnb property which is large enough where you could just stretch out to do your thing.

I start my day with a healthy breakfast - muesli with soya milk is a must, no matter what and some fruits.

I find Gurgaon to be more focused on fitness - the culture and the lifestyle in Gurgaon is such that fitness gets incorporated into a person's routine.

Running a marathon is a stressful event for your body, mind and spirit. But when you put yourself through that willingly, consciously and in a learning atmosphere, you begin to understand how to deal with any stressful situation in a way that does not drain you.

Fitness is something that you can aspire for in terms of levels of achievements.

You get fitter as you get older because the mind has the ability to get stronger if you allow it, so with a stronger mind you can become fitter. The body is second because the body follows the mind.

I like acting. It is a well-paid job and according to some people, I am good at it.

You learn that later on in life - it's not about how much you can lift or how fast you can run. It has a lot to do with your mental fitness, emotional balance, spiritual awareness.

Drinking isn't tops on my agenda. In fact, I hate champagne... and all white wines, for that matter.

I started event managing as my first career which I started in 1989, and that was the first year when I started modelling as well, so every time I start something new it is because of an interest that I have and then that interest becomes sustainable and doable.

I don't eat refined white sugar. If I want to eat something sweet it needs to be made with jaggery or honey, so no chemicals.

Whole purpose of doing endurance sport is to understand your body better, it's not about timing, it's not about competition, it's about understanding your body, mind, potential.

Gyms are basically for bodybuilding and maybe rehab but you can't get healthy and fit from a gym. I mean you can, but not holistically.

Your dreams, ambition and experiences are creating a new person in you every day.

Sleep is essential for the body and mind and restful sleep is one of the foundations of good health. Recharging and rejuvenating body and mind sufficiently every night is important for better quality of life.

There's a very simple rule to follow - never eat so much that you can't do 20 push-ups.

To achieve fitness one need not hit the gym. One can always opt for any sport: yoga, jog, swimming and much more. The idea is to do something that not only burns calories but relieves stress as well.

Once your mind and body is healthy, it creates a freedom that helps you enjoy life.

I eat pizza and I don't need to run it off. I just have fantastic metabolism.

For me, barefoot running has minimised my injuries. It creates a nice balance, when you are connection with the earth. It makes me enjoy running.

You can eat anything and everything. You don't have to starve to look good.