Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them.

At the end of the day it's going to hurt your feelings if someone says something mean about you, but I've learned to take a step back and ask myself if it's really going to affect me, if this person who I'm never going to know or meet doesn't like me - and it doesn't.

As a designer, you are flattered to see anyone in one of your designs, whether it's on a red carpet or passing by you in the market. It's this wonderful little high every time.

I wouldn't include a piece in my collection that I wouldn't wear personally.

The only thing that ever really bothers me is that a lot of people think I'm that girl who hates your boyfriend. I'm really not that girl. Some of my friends' boyfriends are my best friends.

I'm meant for California.

Scripts are corny and predictable. Real life is always better.

I can't even read a script. I've tried and it's painful to watch.

You don't want a slob, but you don't want a guy who is constantly borrowing your tweezers.

Five years on TV is a really, really long time.

I've always been open to doing reality again. Just under certain circumstances.

I like to involve myself in charities that help children and also young women in need.

I think there is a niche for every market.

I really, really want to produce. That's the top of my to-do list.

I love going on book tours because it's an opportunity to connect with the people that matter most to my brand.

Most of my friends all tend to work in restaurants part time, doing acting classes on the side.

If you're on the cover of any magazine, you certainly get recognized more.

I like wearing scarves in my hair because they make me look put together without taking a lot of time.

I think when you're put into a completely different situation and environment, you really see who you are. You're not affected by what's around you. You are who you are.

I think that it's really nice to learn that makeup is different for every person. Everyone has a different feature on their face that they like to show off.

I think that makeup can be challenging, especially when you are younger.

I try really hard to separate myself from other celebrity brands.

No one eats pretty.

A lot of people in fashion don't want to be linked with anything that has to do with reality TV.