I'm obsessed with Jo Malone oils. I think they're so beautiful; they're exquisite. But it's not just the oils; I'm obsessed with their packaging. The beautiful glass bottles that you keep on the side of the bath - they're almost iconic.

I'm more of a handbag girl; my guilty pleasure is bags. I don't even have a clue how many I own.

I've worked with Nails Inc. for years, and it's been a joy. I love their products. I have two baskets of Nails Inc. polishes upside down to read the names, colour coded.

I really like the Nineties! I want to bring back more of the Nineties, like the 'Spice Girls', 'Empire Records', Chloe Sevigny. I don't think anyone really gave it enough credit.

I'm all about people that appreciate, that are grateful, that smile, that have a sense of humour - the dirtier the laugh, the better- that's my kind of vibe... and I hope that's the kind of thing that I attract.

I'm a bit of a bed head: I'm always running around with no make-up on and my hair in a mess, but my nails are one thing I do love to keep looking nice, so it's rare to see me without it.

Sometimes when I need something really nourishing, I'll use the Creme de la Mer night cream - it leaves my skin looking beautiful. I don't go too far on my make-up because I have to wear it so often for work, so I'm quite low key.

MRP offer a fun retail experience, and that's the way the Aussies are. They are so fashionable and on-trend.

Pubs would be number one. And black cabs and cabbies - moody cabbies always crack me up. And the other thing I love is the parks: the parks around London don't get enough airtime - I think they're sensational, and when spring hits, the first thing I'll do is go to the park.

The smell of cigars reminds me of someone I used to know, and it just always brings me back. I love it; I find something very comforting about it.

I think the first outfit that really kick-started my relationship with Chanel means a lot to me: it was a black, sort of Studio 54-inspired jumpsuit with gold stars all over it, and I wore that, and that's how my relationship with Chanel began, so, you know, it has sentimental value.

I absolutely love Sisley moisturising cream, which I use every morning; it also provides a great base for make-up, and I adore Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser for an overall finish.

I'm a healthy eater. In the morning, I'll have hot water and lemon, then scrambled eggs. I eat spelt or rye bread, not wheat, and have lots of veg and salad.

I'm such a bikini girl. Generally, I like to be as half-naked as I possibly can.

I would say I spend about an hour a day cleansing and moisturising after all of the make-up I've worn on jobs, and on weekends I tend to go bare-faced to give my skin a bit of a break.

I love maxi dresses, I feel so great when I put on a maxi dress, big earrings and sandals.

Diversity definitely makes the best wardrobe - you want to look in and see a range so you can always dress for your mood.

The best holiday I went on as a kid was to Disney World. I wore the same Minnie Mouse dress for 5 days straight and refused to go on any rides apart from It's A Small World. I think my parents wanted to kill me.

I always have an item in mind that I want to wear; then, the next day, I put it on, and I love the 20-minute rush of frantically tearing clothes out of my wardrobe to go with it. And I honestly feel that's the best way to do it; there's no method to my fashion madness so to speak.

I'm not used to going out every single night, which you can do in New York.

I never do anything that doesn't feel natural to me. I wake up in the morning and I know what to put on - it's my sixth sense, really.

I love to shut out the world sometimes and hibernate.

Cara was six years younger. She slept in my bed for years.

The wonderful thing about my husband is that we are very good at being independent.