I will never have anything that is remotely technical near my bath time. I completely zone out and stare up at the ceiling. For me, it's like a form of meditation. It's a time where I can just actually turn off.

For me, I've always found people who stand up and spritz themselves all over their clothes very odd. I'm a big bath addict, and I get up in the morning, and I have a big bath. But when I get out, and I'm still hot but fresh out of the bath, that's when I apply scent. I just have it on my bare skin; I never apply it to my clothes.

My first fragrance as a kid was Tommy Girl. It was amazing. Wasn't it the thing to wear? And then I remember I stopped wearing it because it was literally like the whole classroom was filled with Tommy Girl.

Cara's always been a real tomboy. She was never really that into makeup. She's very quick at it.

When I was a teenager, I was obsessed with black eyeliner all around the eye, but for someone with my kind of skin tone and hair colour, using brown is actually better than black. I've also learnt from makeup artists how to apply lipstick in the correct way: by starting with the Cupid's bow first and working your way around.

I love make-up so much, but I'm a bit rubbish at skincare; I'm really disloyal and never stick to one thing.

I'm pretty adventurous - the more wacky, the better! Sometimes I'll want to look chic, but lots of the time, I'll wear really mad colours and patterns, as it's just more fun.

A little bit of sun does wonders! With good protection, of course. Vitamin D is just so good for your hair and your nails. I also love coconut water and coconut oil from Whole Foods. It's amazing. You can cook with it, shower with it... you come out of the shower like a slippery seal, but it works.

I shampoo and condition with Kerastase products but rarely brush it because I'm all about the Kate Moss bed-head look.

I'm lucky to have a fast metabolism, so I haven't had to exercise much.

When traveling, I like Urth Caffe in L.A. for eggs Benedict with prosciutto or Balthazar in New York, where I order duck shepherd's pie.

Coconut oil. I rub it through my hair, all over my skin, all over my body. Natural's the better way to go.

I like my social media space to be somewhere very positive... I like to just be able to just share any images they see, or a piece of art or an item of clothing, and get to share that with the world.

Cara, ever since you told me at the age of four that you wanted to be Claudia Schiffer, while you were naked in the bath with a sponge on your head, I knew you were destined for great things.

She is such a doer, Cara - she is so ambitious. She has always known what she wants, and she's a hustler. Sometimes I call her, and I'm like, 'You need to help me hustle,' and she is like, 'Come on!'

When you grow up, you think everything you own is going to be designer. Not true. Most of the stuff I own is high-street. I love mixing it up; it's so beautifully made nowadays, and the quality is of such a high standard, and let's be honest: everybody loves a bargain.

I love the characters you can build upon when you wear different things. You know, sometimes, I'll want to be girly and wear tulle on a Tuesday, and sometimes I wanna be like Kim Kardashian and wear black leather head-to-toe.

I'm actually rubbish at selfies. I always feel a bit ridiculous doing it unless I'm with a bunch of friends, where I'll usually stand at the back with a huge grin on my face!

When I'm in the U.K., I have a personal trainer who is wonderful, and she's hard-core and makes sure I get up in the morning and go.

If I'm in America... I will track down the nearest Soul Cycle, wherever that is, and I'll just power through on a bike for 45 minutes.

Having hibernation weekends where I just sleep for hours on end. Working out when you have those spare moments. All of that is very important.

I'm a real bath addict. I could sit in a bath and soak for days on end, and you'll never see me again. It's my easiest, nicest thing. So if you're giving me something extra to do, an extra step to make bathtime last longer, then I'll do it.

I feel - as I'm edging to my thirties, I feel like a stronger person and a more confident person.

My style is a little more thought out, in a way, but I guess it's eclectic at the same time. I wouldn't be able to describe my style, because it changes on a day-to-day basis, depending on what sort of mood I'm in.