I've been rocking these brows and crazy hair since I can remember.

The past can never be erased. It is always going to be there.

I always keep a damp beauty blender and a powder compact in my purse, and I touch up a lot.

I knew I was gay since, like, fifth grade.

Everyone is so into labeling themselves. I don't really put too much into that.

When you have no fear, the possibilities are endless.

Red lipstick has always been a classic. You have seen the red lip on people from Marilyn Monroe to Marilyn Manson. The right shade of red can turn a boring look into a bold, eye-catching statement.

Barbies, nails, and fashion - I'll take everything in baby pink, please.

I love wearing black, especially leather or even faux leather! It just adds edge and a sense of class and maturity to your outfit!

Skin care is so important, and I'm the craziest person about it.

Fake eyelashes are a great way to step up your look to the next level.

Believe in yourself, and don't let anyone stand in your way.

Blush pink is a timeless, classy, and soft color that all of us can rock any time of year!

I'm Asian. Anything Boba please.

I recently learned that Lake Como is one of the most romantic places two people could go. That beautiful great lake is a majestic reminder that love is unconditional when you flow and nourish one another, constantly and unconditionally, like water.

I was the person who had a 10 lb baby on my arm called my purse, and now that I have a crossover bag it's stupid. I realize I need my wallet, my phone and my lip gloss - that's it.

I think we as women go too far with bags that are super-weighted and I have found that when you give yourself that room to stuff things in you will do it.

Your story, background, the music you listen to, the emotions you feel, your lifestyle, goals - all of this is your personal style.

No matter how expensive an item is or how good it looks, if it doesn't fit you properly, it's not going to deliver the same image that it should.

Most women don't think to wear bold lip colors, which is just all the more reason to dig out those lipliners and lip colors and put them on.

Anything that's shiny, you can mix together. I love rhinestones with sequins, or baubles with fun gold metallics.

I was low-key abusing myself. The idea of being skinny became something that was most appealing to me. Even if you watch 'The Real,' from season 1 to season 4, I was always 100 lbs. I started to really work hard to stay petite and to not gain weight and to stay sample size.

Spring is all about looser garments.

Now that I think about it, my 40th birthday was the most anxiety I've ever had, and my wedding was also the second time I've had that much anxiety. So I'm starting to realize that I can't be throwing these big bash parties because I need to own that I get anxiety with a lot of people diverting their attention to me.