I clearly love colors in my hair and try to keep my hair evolving through the years.

It's always so much fun playing with makeup and meeting my incredible fans.

I have over seventy tattoos.

Seventh grade was the first time I dyed my hair, and I went to school with red and black stripes, so I looked like a zebra.

I'm blessed to have a family that always supported me being me.

I think a lot of people are too safe in the makeup industry.

I'm just Jeffree. Everyone calls me he/she/whatever they want to call me; I'm an alien.

My face doesn't sweat, and my body never really ever sweats.

I was the first one to have high-speed Internet before all my friends.

Even if I'm in a movie theatre, I'll touch up an hour into the film because I know I could be a little shiny.

I never dreamt of being a pop star or being on stage - makeup was always my true passion.

I know it sounds so dumb, but when you've had pink hair for 12 years and take that away, you're looked at in a different light.

If you click on MTV, it's the same 10 bands and the same 10 songs, and it gets so old. Kids are looking for something besides what they get on the radio.

I've used the Internet since I was in high school - it was my tool for self-promotion.

I didn't want to sit around and wait for someone to discover me, so I created my own self through the Internet.

My mom used to be a model.

I've worn makeup for so long, my skin needs it.

I think a lot of brands are scared to put out wild shades, but I love that.

I'm in a unique position, reviewing products for a living, as well as having a successful cosmetics company.

Besides makeup, my other passion is music.

'Jeffree Star Approved' is copyrighted in America.

I love lips, so I wanted to make the most lightweight liquid-to-matte lipstick on the market!

It's been a dream of mine since I discovered my first lipstick to create and own my very own brand. My goal is to create products that do exactly what they say and that actually last!

Pink is my go-to color, which is why I have had my hair pink for years, on and off.