Even as exuberant as my style is and as over the top as I may be, I can appreciate a classic when it's really well done.

There have been a lot of challenges, but I'm still standing on my own, and it's quite an achievement knowing that I own my own business and created my own success through hard work and vision.

Being pure in my voice has always served me the best. Anytime I've tried to hide my light under a bushel, it's never done me any good.

I think about my friends all the time when I'm designing. That's always an arbiter. Would Katy wear this? Would Rihanna wear this? Would Sia wear it? Would Miley wear it?

I'm a populist. I'm the people's designer... It's important that there are price points that allow people in who maybe don't have the ability to have higher-ticket items - but they can still have something very emblematic of the collection.

I love MTV, and I love the VMAs. There's no award show like it. It really is the coolest award show, hands down.

Posterity is something I'm a big fan of because that's how you leave your legacy. Not to sound pompous, but just to be truthful.

A lot of my collections are informed by nostalgia. I think that's because I loved clothes early on. I remember, at maybe age five, being concerned about what I wore, right down to the underwear.

I think fashion takes itself way too seriously. It's just fashion, people. It's just clothes. It should be frivolous and fun. You're not meant to see it as church and pray to a blouse.

I'm trying to be the messenger for the people that pay attention to me. And those people I want to help inspire because a lot of people maybe think it's - they're too cool for school. That's all I can ever do.

There are so many serious things in the world; I just choose not to be one of them.

I moved to Paris around 1995 or 1996; my first collection on the runway was in 1997.

I don't really shop unless it's thrift.

When I had no place to live and I had no place to sleep - and I did sleep in the Metro - I held steadfast to the fact that I had a dream, a reason why I'm doing this... that it was bigger than this moment.

I was in heaven when I saw Taraji P. Henson wearing Moschino!

I'm an introverted extrovert. My job sets me apart, but I'm not hammy and don't need attention.

I was Hillary in '08. I love Obama, but I was Hillary first, so I was happy to be back there with her again.

I'm a very normal person with a very even keel.

For me, actresses are constantly chameleons, and so they are taking a backseat to their own personality. I don't feel like we're trying to show off their personality as much as let them be a blank slate. It's precisely the reason why I dress more musicians than I do actresses.

Sometimes when I'm just really relaxed, that's also a creative time for me, because that's when my mind is more open because I'm not worried or thinking or being very analytical.

I ultimately do still feel like an outsider, and I do feel, actually, I'm more in the world of music because of how much I participate with musicians - in all aspects, not just clothes.

I fell in love with L.A. To me, it is the most quintessentially American city.

I softened in my old age.

I have a nostalgia for the years I was growing up and experiencing new things for the first time - so the late '80s and early '90s are always fascinating to me. Those were the times that I was being informed about a lot of my tastes, and so the memories are fused with a lot of emotion.