We used to go to Studio 54 - an amazing place.

There's all that brain work involved, remembering all those lines in a script. I find I have to eat a lot of fish, late - but not too late - in the afternoon. Doing theatre, you need to be like an athlete in training.

I've dabbled in several different religions.

I love yoga... I also see an Ayurvedic doctor, which is an ancient Indian thing. I go and see the doctor to balance my system twice a year; it's preventative. They take my pulse, give me some herbs, and tell me what I should eat and what I should avoid. They rub oil on me too, it's so lovely. It's like a detox.

Of course, it's no fun getting old and getting sick and dying; we all know that's coming, and it's a bore.

I don't like to be rushed. I plan my outfits for the week in advance. I find the appropriate outfit for each occasion, try it on, make sure it is in good condition and have it all ready with shoes, handbag and accessories laid out in my dressing room. Fashion is such a huge part of my career, I have to think ahead.

I always polish my shoes and clean the bottom of them before I go out. I also wipe my handbags. I keep them in little bags to stop them getting dusty. You have to keep your accessories looking smart and clean.

The great thing about baking is that you can bring in an apple pie when you have company and say, 'I baked this for you,' and people love it. Men love it when you bake a pie for them.

If experience has taught me anything, it's to make every day as good as possible. You learn that with age, as it goes by so quick.

A healthy love life is not and should not be the preserve of those in their 20s and 30s. It's important at all ages.

My hair can get quite dry, so I condition it in olive oil once a week.

I was my thinnest when doing 35 fashion shows a week in different countries because I didn't have time to eat. I've never bought the idea that models in fashion magazines cause readers to have anorexia and bulimia. And you can't be a model if you've got those conditions anyway, because you'll get acne and hair all over your body.

I'm one of five sisters. I'm the younger of twins, and we're the youngest of five girls, and we've always been very close. We were pretty much a gang. I take after my mother a lot in terms of personality and character. She was very positive; always looked on the bright side of things. She had a tough time of it with my dad but did her best.

I enjoy life, and I think that's important. Life is so fragile and so fleeting, and it's over in a minute, and you've just got to grab it and do everything and not worry about it.

I don't mind being older. I'm proud of my age. I've achieved a lot. It's the same thing with Mick and the Stones. They should be revered and respected. Isn't it strange that now we're living longer we have so much less respect for old age? Perhaps it's a less valuable commodity?

I love all these things where proportions have been changed and altered.

I don't really dissect too much when ideas come - they just kind of pop into my head; I just take them and run.

I feel very blessed to have such wonderful cheerleaders and champions of my work.

I always grew up watching things transform, and a lot of that was what we would call trash.

I feel very blessed to have the support I have and to have the fans that I have. I'm still striving to make it every day.

By the nature of fashion, you're only as good as your last collection, so I'm constantly striving to be better, so I don't look at it as if I've made it.

I feel like we have to fight for art.

I love the low-rider cars and that whole culture.

I think when people think of something as basic, they think that it's boring.