I had always studied French and was obsessed with French films. I hated the way American films always had happy endings. I liked the way French films had dark and unpleasant characters; it was much more realistic.

On my grandmother's chicken farm, they had cows, and they had this big metal container that the cows drank out of, and we used to swim in it. And we used to get into the chicken feed bins and dive through them.

I think crying over spilt milk and being all moody and sulky is really bratty behavior. You shouldn't do it, because it's going to drag you and everyone else around you down.

Texans have in common with Australians, in that they are quite strong, hardy people.

When it comes to clothing, I've got one really hard and fast rule: never wear beige. That's such an old-lady colour.

I love men's company, but I don't feel I have to be married. Men are a wonderful part of life, like chocolate. But my life goes on whether they're there or not.

I was quite nerdy at school. I skipped a year and won a scholarship in chemistry.

People feel like they know you because they've read about you, and people who don't know me seem to have warm feelings about me. I seem to be popular with women. I go into the loo in restaurants, and they all say, 'Oh, I love you.' It's odd, but it's really nice, too.

Well, I think mostly we're dressing for men.

It's ridiculous to imagine you can stay young forever and live forever. It's taking away from young people. There's a beauty and respect in age. Magazines and media are disrespectful of age.

'Wild Horses' is my favourite Stones song. It's so beautiful. I don't mind that it was written for Bianca.

The more flesh you show, the higher up the ladder you go.

I always wanted to be an astronaut.

I guess I've always been a groupie. My first date was a bull rider called Tommy Lee Bryant. We'd go to the rodeo every Saturday and Sunday. The bull riders were the cool guys.

You don't want to wear any styles that are too young... I try to still dress glamorously, but not like my daughters.

Music, art, theater. I'm just a big fan of beauty.

My mother was asked to be a model when she was younger, but my father had not let her, so she was quite keen on me becoming a model. I just went off without telling my dad. I took off to Paris and never came back, but when I became a success and started making money, he was very proud of me.

I am very friendly with lots of people in rock'n'roll, because I spent so much time with them over the years through Mick's work.

I was successful very quickly. I was on the cover of 'Vogue' before I knew it.

My first airplane trip was to Paris. I had this fantasy that I would become a model, and I did!

I was 5' 10 when I was 14, skinny and flat, with huge feet, and I never had a boyfriend.

I'd always enjoyed acting, but modeling was so time-consuming - and lucrative - that I didn't pursue it.

When I was young, I was a sucker for smooth men. Bryan Ferry hired me, at 19, to be painted blue and dress up as a mermaid for the cover of his album 'Siren.' It was love at first sight.

I have absolutely zero interest in politics.