My role is to think about what the future could be for Airbnb - and that includes crafting an effortless and easy-to-use service on any platform, whether mobile, tablet, or Web.

You must have the ability to recognize good design and good user experience. These are core things at Airbnb. It doesn't matter which department you're in.

The story of Airbnb is really the underdog story in many ways.

Everything we do, every decision we make, is to ensure the best possible Airbnb experience for our community and grow the love.

High reputation beats high similarity.

What I've realized is that the joy of meeting and greeting people from all around the world is universal.

The sharing economy is about making use of any idle resource out there. We do love seeing other sharing-economy companies flourish.

In the post-war United States, you had this race to the suburbs. Cities shrank, the suburbs got bigger - and the notion of community changed drastically. You went from all being very close together to all being spaced apart and slightly suspicious of one another.

Airbnb has proven that hospitality, generosity, and the simple act of trust between strangers can go a long way.

Design helps shape our everyday interactions through products, furniture, objects, or experiences.

Digital communication is completely different from in-person, face-to-face conversations. One will give you surface insights, and the other really gives you depth.

There's nothing like taking Proust to the beach and daydreaming along to it.

My love of literature goes back to my childhood.

You can burn a lot of calories mopping the house.

I am 58. That is pretty old, for God's sake. I look pretty good for my age, and I am enjoying that.

I think poetry is able to say things in such a small, perfect way that are so hard to say. I think it's a perfect medium for expressing difficult ideas and concepts and feelings. It's one of my great loves.

All of the Rolling Stones' children are my children's best friends.

There's a kind of telepathy that goes on with the photographer and model.

I am wondering when - if - I have to cut my hair. I think it looks terrible if you have really long hair and it's gone gray. So I am experimenting with wearing it up. Up, with pearls. I think that's quite a good look.

All this size 0! A bit ridiculous. There's something creepy about fashion shows. The models look like they're going to be tortured. They do this strange pony walk; their heels are so high, they can hardly walk. Creepy!

So few people read poetry. That's sad, isn't it?

Fashion is fun, but it's not that important, really, is it? It's important to have other intellectual and creative interests.

When I started out modelling, people kept warning me that I would only last five years.

I really am glad that the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children has had the courage to stand up and say that children should not be hit under any circumstances. I am a committed supporter of this campaigning charity for children.