Every woman should absolutely own at least one staple skinny jean that is a) a dark wash denim and b) at least 2 percent spandex to have that everyday comfortable wear.

Tosh.0' - I consider it my ab workout from laughing so hard.

I have a childlike spirit.

I only wear underwear from Target.

In spring, you can have a little bit more fun with color and be out there.

Loose, breathable fabrics are great... choose brands that have soft blazers such as loose linen or cotton - it doesn't have to be a structured blazer with shoulder pads.

I speak Vietnamese and conversational Spanish.

I feel like it's hard to create a really good product. It really is.

I was very immature - who isn't at age 12? Let's be real. Once I kind of figured myself out and grew as a person, I now have a ton of different friends and learned who I was.

I do love a good dark guy. Maybe a beard - some sister scruff?

I'm very, very open. I don't really have a specific taste that I go for, just someone who gets it and is just fun and happy to be around and is proud of me is the No. 1 thing.

I would love to do a video with Harry Styles and sit with him and talk about, like, his music and One Direction and everything he has going on and all his amazing songs that have been coming out.

I don't usually leave the house with makeup on. I wear it only for special occasions; I'm too lazy to get up in the morning before school and get glam.

CoverGirl putting my face on such an international scale did make a huge leap forward for men in makeup and for boys in beauty and for anybody wanting to express themselves.

Makeup is where my career is going, but I would love to also indulge in music. It's still one of my absolute favorite things in the world.

Classic glam is beautiful and will never go out of style, but I like to try to push the envelope and create something new and inspiring.

I'm a super creative person and have always loved drawing and painting since I was super young, but makeup was a new avenue for me.

When I started doing makeup, I had no intention of doing drag.

As much as I love make-up and the creativity behind this, the Internet can be a horrible place, and sometimes, with so much negativity and hate, it's hard.

I get really negative comments all the time, but the comments that really bother me are the ones that question my character.

My style, I'd definitely describe as athleisure with a twist of gay, which I really, really live for.

I can be confident with bare skin and with a full face.

I get a lot of fans who deal with poor mental health. But that's the good thing about the Internet - that there are so many kids who can confide together and help each other out.

I really hope that, as the first male CoverGirl, that I am able to inspire others and give other people confidence to try out makeup! Hey, if a random 17-year-old guy can do it, you definitely can, too!