I love doing supercrazy, avant-garde but still stunning looks.

You can do anything you want because, at the end of the day, it washes right off. It's just make-up, after all.

I love to do glam. But I also love a lot of creative, outside-of-the-box stuff.

I hope to inspire others to be confident in their own skin and to love themselves with makeup or without.

My photos would not be as high quality without my dad. He's a contractor, and together we converted an area in our basement into a makeup studio with a desk, a mirror lined with dimmable lights, and storage areas.

I've always wanted to create athleisure; it's my thing.

I've always been an Internet kid.

I'm very thankful for the platform I've been given, and I realize that I'm a role model for many people. I want to use my platform to spread positivity.

Faux-freckles are definitely a James Charles touch to any makeup look. I love adding them and have seen so many other people start trying them as well! They're so cute!

I want to keep doing looks and tutorials, and I'd love to eventually start my own makeup line.

My followers are some of the most loyal people out there. They know everything about me and my life. They know all my drama with guys that I have crushes on, all that stupid stuff that doesn't really matter. But all that stuff allows me to build a close relationship with them.

I don't care if someone makes fun of me, but if someone calls me a mean person or something, I reply. If you don't like me in makeup, that's OK. But I would like people to like me as a person.

If you're ringing my doorbell eight times every three minutes and hiding behind my garbage cans, I will call the police. That is literally harassment.

I've always been a very artsy person, and I always preach self-confidence and knowing your worth.

I definitely do not think of makeup as, like, a validation type thing. For me, it's a creative outlet and an art form. It's not like, 'Oh my God, I need to feel pretty.' It's like, 'This is so cool. I just created art on my face.

Makeup is kind of becoming a more genderless concept, which is so cool and something that I'm all for.

I always wear colored prescription contacts for my looks.

I'm self-taught, and fake eyelashes definitely took the longest to master. I glued my eyes shut at least 15 times.

Breaking gender norms just comes instantly as soon as a boy is comfortable and confident enough to put on makeup.

Men in makeup is becoming more widely accepted. But it's going to take so much more open-mindedness to have it be a common thing.

YouTube videos and practice have taught me all I know.

Mascara can definitely be one of the hardest parts of the beauty routine. Nothing is worse than when you are applying your mascara, and you've worked an hour on the most flawless blended eye shadow, and with one slip of the finger, your mascara is all over your face.

Makeup is an art form for me. It's a form of expression, and it's such a cool way to get my creative juices flowing.

I think it's so important to love who you are and be comfortable in your own skin.