Like virtually all of the women I know, I spent my teenage years battling with my body and feeling I wasn't good enough. A lot of that negativity is because I was pursuing a career in modeling and was told countless times that my body was too big. My hips and thighs were too wide.

My story is one of ups and downs. It's made up of tastes of success and a lot more rejection.

I treat health and fitness as looking after myself.

For me, health starts from the mind, and it really does start from the inside out.

I did not label myself 'plus size.' The fashion industry did.

My dad always has the best advice!

If you are trying to achieve the 'perfect body' or aspiring to be like someone else, you are only going to feel like you failed.

My confidence comes from the realisation that, actually, the best you can be is you, learning to accept who I was, what I wanted, and that I was more than my body.

We don't need to be categorized - we are all individual and beautifully unique.

I spent so many years being repeatedly rejected and told I wasn't good enough. It took a huge toll on my self-esteem until I realized I am more than my body and that, actually, our beauty comes from diversity.

I know, when I was younger, I would look in the mirror every single day and hate what I saw.

The most important relationship we have in our lives is the relationship we have with ourselves, and we're not taught about it.

There is a way to disagree with someone, but it doesn't have to be threatening.

If you want to wear something and you feel confident, you are going to rock it. That's what I love about fashion: it's your choice and your chance to express yourself.

Words and images deeply impact the way we view our bodies, and the consequences can be very damaging.

Never think your life isn't good enough. You only have one, so enjoy every minute.

I live by 'Everything in moderation.'

I have heard every negative thing under the sun about my body.

It's easy to forget how powerful our bodies actually are.

When we think about our bodies, we often think about the way they look as opposed to what they accomplish for us every day.

I always encourage other people to share a story and voices. That is so important.

I had had my own trials and tribulations with body image. I had gone through a lot starting from my teenage years.

You don't need to be retouched - because the real you is beautiful.

I got told I wasn't good enough and that I could never make it. And then Aerie told me I was beautiful because I was me.