I don't ever wanna blame my body for not being right.

Throughout my whole teenage years, I had zero confidence and had to build it from the bottom up.

You should be waking up and being excited about what you're going to do today, and your friends and your family, and what you're going to achieve in life.

When you're happy and at one with yourself and have come to peace with who you are, that radiates.

When I was a teenager, a mean comment would have hurt me deeply, I've made it my mission to be a role model for young girls and boys and help show them that other people's words or opinions have nothing to do with how beautiful they actually are.

I refuse to let something as insignificant as a size or number on a scale determine how I feel about myself. I am grateful for my body, my health, and the life that I have, and no arbitrary number should have any impact on that.

Be you. Everyone else is already taken.

I feel like I deserve to be loved because I've learned to love myself.

I'm very aware I have very young people following me - 11- and 12-year-olds. I want to do things that are aspirational, so I'm not going to pick a picture that's unattractive - even in the sense of lighting and angles - but I make sure that it's realistic. It is me, and it is my body. I wouldn't put anything out there that isn't real.

Oh my goodness - Zac Efron has great abs.

Social media should be a true sense of who you are.

Instead of waking up and worrying about your thigh gap, wake up and worry about what you're going to achieve today. What can you do, and how can you give back?

The first time I learned about Aerie, I was blown away by how beautiful and confident the models appeared in their ads - and more so that they were un-retouched.

If your girlfriend is saying, 'Ugh, look at my stretch marks, look at my rolls,' don't say, 'Yeah, I hate my thighs, too.' Say, 'No, you look really cute today - and I feel good, too!'

Girls shouldn't be worried about their cellulite or their rolls. Or anything that makes us real.

You don't always need to be this flawless female with amazing skin and done hair. Perfect doesn't exist.

On a night out, I can feel unstoppable with an eyeliner wing and a bold lip. But I also love that I can still feel beautiful and confident without any of that.

Hateful words stand no chance against self-worth and a little of humor.

You are good enough as you, so delete that Facetune app and step away from that really weird filter that makes you look smoother than Craig David.

For me, I feel empowered when I use my body to exercise, play sports, and explore the world. My body allows me to sing, dance, talk, feel - and eat a damn good piece of cheesecake.

Everybody can rock a bikini, swimsuit, unicorn onesie... whatever floats your boat. If you wear it with confidence, you will look hot.

I'm not a collector of clothes. I've got clothes to wear.

The fashion industry has done itself in by neglecting the 60- to 80-year-old market. They have the time and the economic resources. They want to go shopping.

I absolutely consider fashion a form of art. Of course, there is some fashion that is not art at all - it's utilitarian, made for the purpose of covering up. And there are a lot of people out there who put a lot of effort into looking awful. But there are also people putting the same amount of energy into making bad art.