I love high-end designers, but a head-to-toe designer look for me is extremely boring. I've always mixed it up.

I hate wearing makeup because I am just too lazy to take it off at night.

It's OK to wear white in the wintertime. Do what you want.

I can go toe-to-toe with somebody with my shoes. But you can't do it with LeBron, 'cause what shoe does he not have?

I was admittedly comfortable with Iman Cosmetics being identified as a beauty brand that filled the gap for black women because it was deeply personal for me.

I thought at 46 years old, I've been removed from the fashion industry for 10 years. I couldn't possibly write a model's book. That's for a 20-year-old. But I could say what I want to say without chastising the industry.

I was a complete tomboy. You'd never see me wearing skirts.

I love pedicures. And, yes, I have a ton of shoes.

I'm not someone who plays hard to get. This whole thing about 'Oh, let's exchange numbers' and then people wait four or five days before they call you? I don't see the point. If you feel something, why would you let that pass? You only live once.

I'm going to be 80, walking with a stick down the runway.

People say, 'Oh, God, how devastating to go through a divorce.' Did I wish for this to happen to my family? No. But everyone is healthy; we're moving on with our lives.

I used to do my own taxes. You know how you buy that gigantic sheet at Staples, add up the restaurants, clothes, and taxis and glue your receipts into the book month by month? The more money I made, the more complicated things got.

I can't look in the mirror and look at fake things. I just can't. I'd rather age.

I think if you give your best as a parent, then that's all you can do.

I was a good kid. My parents laid rules out for me, and I followed them.

Family comes first. You're the only thing they have.

Apart from sharing my tips on toys or snacks, I'm open to hearing new ideas from other moms. I want to learn, too.

I love when I go out and I have my hair and makeup done, but I also like it when I'm just with the family because that's real.

I don't want to be wondering about how skinny I am, wondering what I'm going to eat because I don't want to gain and I want to look hot and young, always and forever.

I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.

I'm not someone who plays hard to get.

You never know why something works or doesn't.

I am into comedy.

I like to wear things for longer than one season.