I try to exercise three to four times a week.

A healthy body really does make for a healthy mind.

I like to have a swim in the morning, a great way to start the day.

I think when wedding dresses are talked about, every woman has a different set of factors in her mind of what it could be because they've been thinking about it possibly for such a long time.

I can never really comment on rumours.

My designs are slightly subversive in their way; it can be in the cut or the colour, but they're always obtainable: they're not so difficult that a 40-year-old woman wanting to go to a cocktail party looking foxy and a little bit different in something well-made would be alienated by them.

Fashion was spontaneous and about getting things done, which I really liked.

Animals. They're nice, aren't they? They're good things, animals.

I really like doing good work and working with good people - that's the thing that drives me.

I do like designing clothes that are - not exactly lofty but intellectual in their sexiness.

I've been a fella in the fashion industry for a very long time now, and the industry has been very good to me.

The effort you put into anything when you're a designer is 100% because it's all about what you get back out from it.

I had a great teacher who was really encouraging and said I should go to Central Saint Martins. So I worked my socks off, and I managed to get a place there. It was there that I developed a real love for design.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a marine biologist, among other things.

I love historical references.

I think a bit of jewellery that cheers you up for the day isn't a bad thing.

I can be very modern and experimental.

I am more interested in people's attitude than someone who is a perfect face. Every time I walk the streets of London, I see someone who interests me. It doesn't matter how old they are.

My parents weren't into fashion. I didn't have an eccentric granny who mixed lace mantillas with tweed.

I don't like po-faced fashion.

I believe in the democracy of design.

If a piece is individually made to measure, then it's couture.

I'd really love to dress Lauren Bacall. She's incredibly interesting - a gorgeous, stylish woman with a strong personality.

I go to contemporary galleries all around the world when I can. There's always something historical and something contemporary; those are my rock references.