I have an art-school background, not a fashion background where it's like, 'Oh, we're going on holiday to Miami.'

Some things can be quite stupid yet interesting. Life can be like that.

I didn't set out wanting to be a fashion designer from the age of 3. It wasn't that kind of dream.

I did an art foundation course, and I knew I wanted to do something in a creative field. And fashion just seemed like the most fun.

We want to be the go-to business for super-special daywear and eveningwear, to focus on what we are known for and what our customers want from us.

The women that wear my clothes would want a pink BlackBerry in their handbag.

Due to the hectic, non-stop nature of my work, I'm always using my BlackBerry to stay in touch with my studio, wherever I am.

I very much like Christopher Kane. He actually did a work placement with me, and you could spot his talent straight away.

I love London. Wherever I've lived, I've always had my flat here.

I'm interested in women who have got character and experience and an opinion about things.

DAKS is a much more restrained silhouette, and there's a real emphasis on daywear, outerwear, and tailoring. It's more stripped-down.

'Irony' is such an over-used word.

Making your own clothes is great - but don't make everything, or I'll be out of a job!

Women I've known have always been quite strong and confident women. Sure, I've got some friends who aren't so overtly confident, or at least don't appear that way. But when you get to know them, they are very much so.

Everybody's got a lot to their personalities. You're not just one element. There are some days you want something that can be a bit stricter or a bit more disciplined or something a bit more floaty and a bit freer.

People often think that the world fashion is so full of a certain pretense that it can't just be about going for something because it suits you and looks great, and it's nicely cut and is made of beautiful fabric. You know, if it has a bit of lightness and playfulness to it, then I think people just respond to that really well.

You take it very seriously when you start any project, but not everything in life ends up where you think it's going to be.

My longest collaborative working relationship is with Katie Grand, the editor-in-chief of 'Love' magazine. Katie's an inspiration and a sounding block. She's got such great taste.

I don't really have a mentor.

I went to public and state schools - not at the same time. I did my art foundation course at Harrogate College of Arts. This brilliant tutor suggested I apply to Central Saint Martins. I adored it.

The name Holly Fulton has become synonymous with daring, bold graphic prints which you just know if you wear you'll have a brilliant time in.

Rooney Mara is someone I'd like to dress; we've not worked with her before and she certainly has very interesting personal style.

I like women to have life, personalities. Women who would perhaps cause some trouble on a night out and have a lot to say for themselves.

I like characters in life, generally; I don't like to see a collection modelled on a homogeneous look. That terrifies me.