I realise now that a lot of the things I was doing weren't helping me to get to the goal I want to achieve - to become the champion of the world.

At the beginning of my career, I can honestly say there were a few things I was doing wrong, and I was wondering why I was going a little bit off track.

Right next to my bedroom, Dad made a chin-up bar with a rowing machine and a treadmill. From there, as years went by, we were able to get a bit of funding, and Dad got all these people involved and built a gym at home.

Without the help of my parents, the roles they played, I wouldn't be in this situation. I wouldn't be fighting for the world title.

It's an amazing feeling, having a little child. I love it.

As a father, you want to protect, but I also want to prepare her for when she grows up, so I want to be a great example as a dad.

I made the New Zealand team, won medals around the world. I thought, 'I'm blessed. I've got a good talent.' I had no idea, though, how good I might be. But I loved the sport.

It's a very important part of my life: parents and church - and your surroundings.

It is a Polynesian thing where you are calm and relaxed in your approach to life. But, when you're in the ring, you really go for it.

I enjoy the pain my body goes through. If you're in a hard moment in a fight, there's a lot of things go through your mind. But the most important thing to me is family.

It's important to pursue the career that we want and the titles that we want to get, but there's family time.

The training camp is where you do all the hard work.

It was surprising how many kids don't have lunches. If we all get behind this cause, it'll help a lot of the kids out there who don't really get enough food.

If I win, great, and I'll move on, and that's my goal, obviously, is to win. If I do lose, I have to accept it, and I have to get back out there, train hard, and just move on. It's not the end of the world.

I know that there is failure, but if you're prepared, you can accept whatever happens in the ring.

It was a good experience for me to be in the same camp as Minto when he was preparing for Shane Cameron, to see the weaknesses and strengths he brings.

When I first started off, a lot of people didn't know who we were or what we're doing, but now you can see a big difference, and everyone is behind us.

I believe it when I say I can beat anyone if I have a great training camp.

In boxing, some fighters have good chins. You just have to be persistent and continue following the plan and trying to catch them nicely and, obviously, hope to be knocking him out.

I think some fighters, when they throw a punch and throw everything they have, and it doesn't affect the other person, it might crush them a bit.

I've played the guitar since I was 12, I've played the piano since I was 15.

I play guitar, I jam on the piano, drums, and even the triangle.

When I'm not boxing, I play instruments.

The world should have one champion.