Demian Maia, I love the way he fights.

GSP is at the top of my list in knowing how to use strategy, how to bring an opponent out of his game, how to beat a guy without taking a beating. And he's good in standup and good at grappling.

I like guys who can use strategy, not just tough guys.

GSP knows how to use a lot of strategy.

I'm not a fighter to score points of fight with time limit.

I'm a vale-tudo fighter.

I take all the opportunities that come my way and I am thankful that I have them.

I fight because I want to not because I have to.

I've never had a fight in the street.

My father created this whole MMA thing.

I don't drink, I don't smoke.

The greatest tribute you can to pay to my father is to continue to train and share Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, remembering to never lose sight of the fact that what you do off the matt counts more than what you do on the matt.

Yes, I do Jiu Jitsu for a living.

Do this rubber guard stuff and I'll punch you in the nose.

My Jiu Jitsu is with the gi. It's the real style of Jiu Jitsu, it's with the gi and I fight MMA.

I get stopped at the airports by just everyday people that are not even fans of the MMA and they say how they have seen me fight. Its very humbling and also rewarding.

I am a product of my father's work.

The art of Gracie jiu-jitsu is to learn how to defend yourself in any situation, not to score points, not for tournament style. It's for a street-fight situation.

I'm a fighter. We come from the beginning, no gloves, no rules, no time limits.

I did a seminar once in Pennsylvania when there was big snow, road construction, a big flood and just one person showed up. I said, 'No problem, I'll do it.' If there's one or 100 on the mat, the juice is still there.

Wouldn't you love to see Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield go one more time? It's not like just one of them has aged. They've both aged. They're both icons.

Bellator and Viacom want to give fans exciting fights and enable fighters to continue to grow and most importantly provide for their family, and it's something I want to be a part of.

You know the 80s music is something that no one wants to admit liking, but once then start playing everyone is into it.

That's why I like Demian Maia and Fabricio Werdum. Demian will take you down and do his game. Werdum learned the stand-up to know what's coming, but he never stopped using his jiu-jitsu. He will clinch, take you down and submit you.