If I'm home, just hanging around with the kids.

Mike Tyson is a good boxer, but he is not the best fighter. I am the best fighter.

In a street fight situation, there's no weight division, there's no time limits.

I have fought all my life, that is easy for me.

It's always good to have more promotions, give more fighters work.

Kids wake up in the morning and say, 'I want to be a UFC fighter one day,' just like they do in baseball.

In any professional level competition, soccer players, you've got to know when to stop.

I do jiu-jitsu my whole life, so why would I try to stand and bang with Mike Tyson? I'm going to learn boxing in six months because my opponent is good in boxing? That makes no sense.

I enjoy traveling, teaching and fighting. It's in my blood.

My second fight at UFC 1, I fought Ken Shamrock. In the fight I choked him. As soon as he tapped, I let go. He tried to continue, but the ref got kind of stuck like, 'should I let it go or stop the fight.' That's when I looked at the ref and I said, let it go, we're going to continue.

Fighting is about a strategy. MMA is not all about brutality.

I never put a 'last one' tag on my fights because you never know.

I'm used to teaching classes in the dark.

Gracie jiu-jitsu proved to be the best.

I'm a prize fighter. Put me in any card and I'll sell it out. I can do it, man.

Sometimes you watch a tournament with a point system, and it's not the best fighter that wins. It's the guy who scores more points and then he runs away and hides.

I travel seven months a year, so it's a lot of hotels and airplanes. I teach about three hours a day. I always go for a run. I try to lift some weights if I have the time and the strength. But running and teaching, that's my life.

People always want to see who's the best fighter in the world.

Gracie Jiu Jitsu is the most complete art of self defense there is out there. You don't have to be strong. You don't have to be fast.

I'm happy and satisfied with my accomplishments. I sleep well at night.

I never picked an opponent.

When you like something, it's not work, it's a pleasure.

In a street fight there is no time-limit, no weight division, you don't choose your opponent.

The jiu-jitsu my father created was for the smaller guy to beat the bigger guy.