All I can control is myself and just keep having a positive attitude.

All I can control is myself and just keep having a positive attitude.

I'm like a tree. My leaves might change color, but my roots are the same.

I'm like a tree. My leaves might change color, but my roots are the same.

I love spoiling a party. I love it when someone is on a roll and just messin' that up.

I love spoiling a party. I love it when someone is on a roll and just messin' that up.

From my perspective, if I say that I'm done, I would hope - and I trust - that my corner would throw in the towel for me.

From my perspective, if I say that I'm done, I would hope - and I trust - that my corner would throw in the towel for me.

I thrive on chaos and difficult situations. I guess that's who I am.

I thrive on chaos and difficult situations. I guess that's who I am.

I guess I'm crazy. If everything was easy-peasy and green lights all the time, it'd be kind of boring.

I guess I'm crazy. If everything was easy-peasy and green lights all the time, it'd be kind of boring.

I've always been like, if society's trying to push me in one direction, I always rebel against it, thinking, 'Nope, I'm going to do the opposite, something that is not expected.'

I've always been like, if society's trying to push me in one direction, I always rebel against it, thinking, 'Nope, I'm going to do the opposite, something that is not expected.'

My hands look like my dad's and my mom's put together. She's a piano player, he was an artist, and I use the creative qualities I got from them in my fighting. But I don't just destroy with my hands; I also create: I cook and make art and garden.

My hands look like my dad's and my mom's put together. She's a piano player, he was an artist, and I use the creative qualities I got from them in my fighting. But I don't just destroy with my hands; I also create: I cook and make art and garden.

I had to really create a positive atmosphere for myself, and that has to come from within.

I had to really create a positive atmosphere for myself, and that has to come from within.

I just wish there were a little more peace in the world.

I just wish there were a little more peace in the world.

In order to survive, I created a certain type of aura about myself that I was the baddest chick walking down the street. Anytime somebody underestimates me, Thug Rose comes out.

In order to survive, I created a certain type of aura about myself that I was the baddest chick walking down the street. Anytime somebody underestimates me, Thug Rose comes out.

We're not just fighters, we're entertainers.

We're not just fighters, we're entertainers.