I wake up every morning trying to be a new, better person and version of myself. I never try and be the same thing. So that's what's going to be hard for girls to keep up with me, because I'm always ever-evolving my style.

I wake up every morning trying to be a new, better person and version of myself. I never try and be the same thing. So that's what's going to be hard for girls to keep up with me, because I'm always ever-evolving my style.

People are gonna go up and down and people are gonna come in and out of this sport.

People are gonna go up and down and people are gonna come in and out of this sport.

Sometimes when you push something or you force something too much, the progress doesn't happen the way it should.

Sometimes when you push something or you force something too much, the progress doesn't happen the way it should.

All my jabs, they're all different. I have a million different jabs.

All my jabs, they're all different. I have a million different jabs.

When I'm totally in tune with myself, and I'm flowing, it don't matter who I'm fighting; that's just a problem for anybody.

When I'm totally in tune with myself, and I'm flowing, it don't matter who I'm fighting; that's just a problem for anybody.

I feel like I can go all the way for the belt and hold it awhile.

I feel like I can go all the way for the belt and hold it awhile.

The best way to take a punch is to look at it. Honestly. Someone could hit you with the hardest punch that they have, but as long as you see it, it's not going to knock you out. It's the punches that you don't see that knock you out. So you could get tapped with a small punch, but if you don't see it, you're out.

Some girls sit around and watch 'Gossip Girl' together. Me and my girlfriends watch 'Raw' and 'SmackDown.'

I'm really encouraged by the progress I've seen with what they're doing with the women in WWE, but I feel like there's a lot more than can be done.

I'm a huge fan of wrestling, and I would like to see the position of women in the sport continue to improve, so if I can be a part of it, great.

I'm voting for Bernie Sanders because he doesn't take any corporate money.

I don't think politicians should be allowed to take money for their campaigns from outside interests.

I might make an investment and lose some money, but that's something I can recover from.

I was in a weight-cutting sport, in judo, so I had to be a certain weight on a deadline. It kind of pushed me into having a really unhealthy relationship with food in my teens. I felt like if I wasn't exactly on weight, I wasn't good-looking.

Nobody's easy until after you beat them.

Judo was one of those sports where they give you guidelines but then try to tell you to develop your own style.

I just like when a guy dresses for comfort, to be honest. If he takes longer to get ready than I do, that's a deal breaker.

I was painfully shy for a long time. I mean, that's something I really had to work my way out of. And I really think it was because, after the 2008 Olympics, I spent a whole year bartending. It was the one thing that really forced me to be just not so scared to start conversations with strangers.