It would be good to fight Roy Jones. I've always admired him, and I think this would be a great fight for the fans.

It's in my DNA to fight and entertain.

Every fighter, when they box, wants to leave a mark in their sport, or a legacy, and I managed to do that beyond my wildest dreams.

I like him as a guy, but I'm going to knock him out - Roy Jones is just a prop in a fairytale ending to a great career for me.

My father was a cocky, long-haired musician, a songwriter.

I agreed to be on 'Strictly Come Dancing' without watching the show. I got talked into it by my manager. And my God, I was crap at it.

I like to give my kids the life I didn't have - they go to an excellent school; they have nice clothes, money for shopping. I'm quite generous with them, but they have fantastic manners - they're not spoilt.

I'm a Juventus fan, although I did support Chelsea for some time - mainly because of Gianfranco Zola. Zola is from the same town as my father Enzo, in Sardinia.

I definitely was a big puncher early on in my career, and I used to load up with my left hand. Then, towards the end of my career, I had hand problems and needed injections in my hands for the pain.

I cried watching 'Million Dollar Baby.' I'm a big baby, man.

When I was about 12, I realised I wasn't going to make it as a top footballer, but I won my first British ABA title at 13. From then on, I wanted to be a world champion.

It's not just a trainer - as a man, my dad was unbelievable. Even outside boxing, he was my friend as well. We were boxer and trainer in the gym, but as soon as that bell goes, we'd have a cup of tea, and we'd go on about normal life. We would just leave that bit behind. That's how we kept going.

At the end of your career, you go, 'I'm gonna be able to retire undefeated and be one of the very, very few people in history to do it.' People were saying I should try and get to 50-0, but my number was 46 - that was it. I could have kept trying, but one loss would have spoiled everything.

When I boxed against Jeff Lacy, that was one fight that I was so proud of.

We're only human, and fear can eat away at you the closer you get to a big fight.

There's no point looking good and losing. Winning is what it's all about, and you can't always look spectacular while doing it.

There'll never be another Muhammad Ali. He was a superstar. And although he has gone, his legacy will live on for what he has done for sport and humanity.

Boxing definitely has a part to play in taking away unwanted aggression.

I don't seek the limelight. I'm perfectly happy with a quiet life and spending time with my family, but I deserve recognition.

I know that Ronda Rousey is one of the greatest athletes in this sport.

The UFC is the best organization in the world, they sign the best fighters.

I train with the best team and the best gym in the world at American Top Team, and we know how to fight.

I train with the best coaches in the world.

Don't trust everything you see on TV.