Entertainment is a big part of MMA and it is unique.

All Elite Wrestling completely changes the entire landscape of pro wrestling.

I'm making MMA great again for pro wrestlers.

For me, the wins and losses in pro wrestling never mattered. The thing that matters is the time on television to tell that story. If you have a two-segment match on television, whether you win or lose, both people's brands win with a great match.

The level of difficulty in most areas of MMA is very high. It's a high learning curve. The footwork in boxing alone takes years to master. I will rely heavily on my amateur wrestling to get out of bad situations and take me from defense to offense. I'll try to dictate the fight on my terms.

In addition to being gifted athletically and being the strongest guy in the room, Cesaro is very smart upstairs. He can go in the back and wrestle a match out in his head, then he'll add his Cesaro-isms in the ring to really make the match special. He knows exactly where to put things and make a match explosive.

A long time ago I learned how to shut my mouth, listen to my coaches and put trust in my coaches.

Before I signed with WWE, I thought my athletic career was done. I was going into the finance industry and I just thought I couldn't compete any more. But the mind is a really powerful thing and you can unlock your potential if you choose to ignore what your mind is telling you.

Any time you can get Glenn Beck crying it's a good thing.

I'm a conservative. I voted for Donald Trump and back in 2016 everybody was talking about, 'Oh my God, here's another TV character trying to run for the presidency.' They didn't really take him seriously.

A guy like Conor McGregor, one thing I really appreciated when he first got in the game and one thing that really inspired me was his love for fighting.

I can hit hard, trust me.

I'm very coachable, I listen. I have these ears and they're big for a reason.

I'm a dancer, I'm an entertainer.

It's passion; if I'm not passionate about something I'm not going to do it.

I don't want to be fighting when I don't want to fight.

I never, ever deviate from my plans.

I want to defend my belt against all the middleweights that are the biggest threats supposedly before I jump up in weight.

Even in my first year in the UFC I fought five times in the year.

That's the beauty of this sport. We're trying to get to the same place, maybe, but we're on different paths.

To reach the heights of a truly global sport, in a sport as difficult as this, is a monumental achievement.

There are a lot of sports that New Zealand does very well but MMA is a truly global sport and it's practiced in the farthest reaches of this earth.

You won't see me on TMZ shaving my hair and yelling at the camera guy.

Being a big black man in China in the mainland, walking down the street, you have everyone looking at you, 'Basketball?' They don't really see a lot of us around, maybe on TV, so they're just looking.