There are no limits, man.

It's about legacy, it's about moments, it's about being an icon - I'll do what I do and the money will flow.

I'm not proud of my chin but I can take a shot.

They say to never underestimate anyone, but they don't tell you to overestimate people either, so I'm just going to do me.

Look at rugby, the national sport, you have guys weighing 130kg, 140kg, who can run like sprinters full clip into each other causing brain damage constantly on that field.

I'm the runt of my people.

I tried so many times to fit in but I could never ever fit in. I was always like, an outcast.

When I'm having fun, I'm the best in the world.

I'm real petty. I remember everything like an elephant.

I've got Africa stamped on my chest, and I've outlined Nigeria because that's my bloodline.

All that matters is how you see yourself.

God mode is something that I've always tried to unlock within myself.

You're never as good as they say you are, you're never as bad as they say you are. That's a quote I live by.

There's no one like me. No one.

I remember reading the book 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad,' and I remember writing my goals down, and my number one goal in life was just to be a good husband and a good father someday. That was number one, as a 17-year-old kid.

When I think of a world class wrestler, I think of Mo Lawal.

I'm actually really good friends with Gray Maynard.

I'm not an emotional person.

I have a purpose and a meaning in life, and I have to fulfill that. Being a champion is great, but more importantly than that, you get to be an inspiration and a role model to other people.

I study myself. I study film, and I make sure that everything's on point.

I'm a very detailed fighter. I'm very detailed.

The general public, they get bored. There's no interest because they think, or they know, Demetrious Johnson will always win. And I've always said, even after that loss to Demetrious Johnson, even after he beat me, I said I felt him a little bit. I still believe I can beat him, even after being knocked down the first round.

Being humbled is a good thing.

I've actually picked up a lot of good habits from just watching film from Demetrious Johnson.