Visiting Spain does not excite me as much as making my parents proud does.

After our life history was shown on the silver screen and much appreciated by the audiences, I have more of a responsibility on my shoulders now.

Now my grandmother, who used to want sons, says that she does not really want boys anymore. She says I'm the lion of the family.

My father always told my sisters and me that once you succeed, people will automatically be quiet. And he was right.

Isn't it wrong to target and brand an entire state in a poor light?

There are a mix of good and bad people everywhere, be it Punjab, Delhi or Haryana.

I think if we are at a war with an enemy country, that country is responsible for our soldiers' deaths.

For an athlete, the country is everything.

I have faith in myself.

I want to focus on my training and leave no room for distraction. So, reality-tv shows are a no-no.

I want to settle down and start an academy in a rural area, because I feel that's where most champions come from. If you have everything in life, why would you wake up at 3:30 A.M. to train? I feel there's a lot of talent that goes untapped there, especially in women sports.

Even if someone offers me junk food, I won't eat it.

I will be even more strict than my dad, because look at me, I turned out fine.

It's important for parents to be strict if you want the kids to succeed.

Don't just set a goal for your child but ensure that they play outdoor sports for overall development.

Politicians should talk about sportspersons and sports, and it should surely be in the agenda when they go out asking for votes.

The problem of burgeoning population can be addressed if we begin with women itself. And, we need to educate them and spread awareness about birth control and family planning through TV channels and newspapers.

My first gold was in the 2002 cadet national. I realized I was good enough even outside my village and my district.

My father was a disciplinarian. He had this cane and he would spare no one if found at fault. Unlike Babita, I was not physically strong and couldn't cope with the training. So I got the most beatings.

I want to tell the students to follow their heart and respect their parents and teachers as they are their ultimate gurus.

It's not easy to juggle between studies and sports but yes, if you are clear about your goals and have passion, you can definitely succeed.

Everybody at the Olympics are almost at level par.

Even my grandmother would tell me that girls should not wrestle, it's a man's game.

In our village women are left to clean the house and milk the cattle so when I first entered the ring, I had to hear the criticism of people.