You have to realize that a lot of life is just fortune and the ebbs of flows of what goes on.

If you watch dogs play, they run and they fight, but they don't fight to hurt each other. They just play. And that's been me my entire life.

I loved playing football, but I hated the games because it's a lot of pressure. I just loved putting on the pads and hitting my friends.

Sometimes there's cities where it's just hard to find healthy food. You just have to be prepared.

WWE doesn't owe us anything.

I'm pretty much friendly and compassionate to everybody. But not to people in the ring.

My diet is very kale-heavy. It's so nutrient-dense. I stay away from fake processed stuff.

I'm bigger now than when I was eating meat. My lifts in the gym are better. I'm in better shape.

Me, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Lyoto Machida, former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, all shared a two-bedroom apartment together.

I like going to Japan where they treat it like a real sport. I like doing the entertainment stuff with the WWE. I really like doing the small venue stuff, like Ring of Honor, because everything is so intimate. There's different feelings and different experiences, and you have to be good at different things to do all of that.

What we do is entertainment. We entertain people. Sometimes we inspire people, but sometimes we are just a way to fill their time.

I have to look at my career as 'it was what it was,' but I do wish there was more of it.

I think fans always want something new, but they want somebody who can deliver - to go out there and really entertain them and have good matches.

I've lifted weights ever since I was a teenager, but I started going more towards the Olympic weightlifting style, which is clean and jerk.

My mind thinks in wrestling. As I'm thinking of things and my mind is being creative, it constantly keeps going back to wrestling. That's my inspiration, and to not be able to express that puts me in a spot where I almost don't know what to do with myself.

I'm not somebody who is genetically gifted when it comes to facial hair.

I used to be vegan. I'm not anymore, but I don't eat hardly any meat. But it's nice for me to go to a place like Chipotle where I can get some fresh veggies, some brown rice, some black beans, and all that kind of stuff.

Every year, I say the Seahawks are going to win the Super Bowl. There's no doubt in my mind every single year. And you have to keep in mind this was well before the Seahawks were good. This was, like, 2-14, drafting-Rick-Mirer Seahawks. I would still be saying they were going to win the Super Bowl.

When I first got to WWE, the head of talent relations was John Laurinaitis, who is now my father-in-law, and the first thing I thought when I saw everything that he had to do is, I thought, 'I would never, in a million years, ever want that job. You could not pay me enough money to have that job.'

When I watch myself, I see nothing but faults, like, 'This I need to do different, this I need to do different,' and so if there comes a point in time where I'm like, 'Man, this whole thing is just getting really stale,' I am not opposed to being the bad guy again.

A lot of people thought you couldn't be a top-level athlete as a vegan, but people like Mac Danzig and Jake Shields are proving that's wrong. And it's better for me as a performer.

One of the wonderful things about wrestling, to me, is that you can protect people who have had head injuries.

My wife and I are very blessed. I am very grateful for the life that we lead.

I would read a lot about how to be a dad. I had never changed a diaper before we had Birdie.