It's not OK to condone violence because of free speech.

I'm the only fighter to ever go to the White House and meet with a sitting president.

I'm the ultimate professional.

I like fighting, man. I didn't get into this sport not to fight. I enjoy fighting; I actually enjoy getting in the cage.

I don't train to be an All-American. I train to be the best.

Malki Kawa, he doesn't know what he's doing. He doesn't know how to do business.

I'm not just a wrestler anymore. I'm a very well-rounded fighter.

Super villains and bad guys win in real life.

First off, I don't consider Tyron Woodley a teammate. He trains with Duke Roufus; Roufus is in his corner every fight. He's been doing his training camps at Roufusport. He has an ATT affiliate in St. Louis, but OK, whatever. Just because he branded an ATT so he can make some money, and he had an investor, I don't consider that a teammate.

I've never asked for more money, not one time in my career. I fought Demian Maia for $30,000. The No. 2 guy in the world, I was fighting for $30,000. So I don't care about money.

At the end of the day, we're professional prizefighters - stop acting like street thugs. We're not going to fight in the streets.

My pace alone is unstoppable. No one can keep my pace.

I'm not out to please everyone.

Brazil is a dump.

The guys at Team Alpha Male, they're my friends. I have a lot of respect for those guys.

I don't care about people's feelings, and I'm triggering people worldwide.

The real reason Tyron Woodley doesn't want to fight me is because the last time we were in the gym together, I broke him.

Everybody's calling me out. Why do you think everybody wants to fight me? I'm the money fight.

'Star Wars' is for nerds and virgins.

In the wrestling world, we say the Judo guys are just the leftover wrestlers that couldn't make the wrestling team.

After a world title run, you can't really call someone else your leader.

I work full-time, whether it's on 'All In,' my own show, whether it's Ring of Honor, whether it's New Japan - I make every show.

I think I was always so resistant to coloring my hair because, you know, when my dad was still alive, it's so easy for a second- or third-generation wrestler to just copy their predecessor. The hardest thing you can do is try and carve out your own legacy.

The Rhodes in WWE have a wonderful history. I'm glad they let me go. They are the house that built me, and you never know - I might be there again one day.