I don't want to be the kind of wrestler that has to do it because he needs the money.

When writing 'Behind the Mask,' I opened up on every level. Hopefully, even the more knowledgeable fans, who really know me, will be surprised when they read it.

Reading has helped motivate me to become a spokesperson for programs like the WrestleMania Reading Challenge. It has motivated me to become more involved in my community and to keep learning new things.

I've always wanted to do some kind of merchandising/clothing line/action figures because I know the fan base that I have are very loyal and dedicated, and they've always loved the action figures and other merchandise.

There is a lot of things out here that sometimes you don't realize because you're inside the circle, but once you're out, there's a lot of things that pop up, and you'd be surprised.

Dark matches are usually off-camera. Sometimes you don't even wrestle in front of the crowd, you wrestle in front of the agents - but my first match with WCW was on a pay-per-view.

After so many surgeries, I had to modify my game. I know what I can and can't do in order to keep performing for a long period of time.

Keep in mind, lucha libre hasn't been displayed in the U.S. in abundance. It's been subtle. The pioneer was Mil Mascaras. Then that died down, and new talent was rising. Eddie Guerrero was the next one, then Konnan. Konnan had big success.

I've got a Kanji symbol on my shoulder; it's for my son and means 'strength and power.' I have my son and daughter's names, Dominik and Aalyah, written on the inside of the left and right biceps, too.

Mascaras' physique, in terms of symmetry and size, and his style in the ring really made him stand out. He really did live up to his name 'The Man of 1,000 Masks.' I think he had 1,000 masks and more. You would really never see him wear the same outfit twice... He was always very, very colorful.

At one point, I left Mexico to continue my career globally, and a new star came about. He is known now as Myzteziz, but back then he was known as Mistico, and then Sin Cara when he joined WWE. I would have to say the fans, in their eyes, see a lot of similarities between us.

I have to say, the first time I stepped into the ring, it was probably at the age of 4. That's when I was hanging out with my uncle, my mom's brother, Rey Mysterio Sr. It runs in the family; it's stayed in the family.

I feel like, with how medicine is evolving, something will be out there soon that can help you heal from arthritis. That might be what helps my longevity and pushes me to keep performing.

I would hope to end my career here if it came down to it and take other roles with 'Lucha Underground.' I see a lot of the style I was raised on here, and I think I can help out with the young upcoming talent and hope to be around here as long as it lasts.

I am excited by the opportunity to join such an extraordinary group of athletes and be a part of the 'Lucha Underground' family.

My favorite place to read is next to the pond in my backyard.

No matter how much cardio you do - running or biking or whatever - it's never the same as being in the ring.

Evan Bourne is just like me. Hopefully, he can pick out his offensive moves, because he's got so many, and he's so incredible to watch. I just hope he takes the advice of all of us who have been around a little bit longer and he can tone it down. That way, he can last a lot longer.

I actually use Randy Orton as an example to my son because he wants to start training in January. My son is a big kid - he's 6'1", 205 - and I insist that he must watch and learn from Randy's style.

I've never had any prima donna attitude against me. It's always been very respectful.

For me, the people who doubt me only fuel me to prove them wrong. I want to prove to them that I am better than they think I am and that I deserve to be on top and I deserve to be World Heavyweight Champion.

As you get older, your body doesn't hold up as much.

I think, most definitely, my style has been changing throughout the years, and that's because of the injuries that I've had, the multiple surgeries on my left knee.

My main reason for leaving WWE was to heal up my body - to give it a rest - and to spend time with my wife and my kids.