Wrestlers are very protective and care about what we do and we're always fighting for credibility.

I had worked with The Shield quite a bit, live events and things like that so we had good chemistry in the ring.

With ECW, I had a lot of time for matches. I could go out there and do a 20-25 minute match, where normally I'd get to do a 7-8 minute match.

When you wrestle on television, you're always fighting for time and the enemy is you're never getting enough of it, you're looking, trying to get more.

I really enjoyed my time on ECW actually.

If you're a Maple Leafs fan, you hate the Canadiens. I'm not a Canadiens fan at all.

The wrestling equivalent to Wayne Gretzky? That's Shawn Michaels.

Wayne Gretzky is the greatest hockey player of all-time, I don't think there is any debate about that. If you look at the records he holds, they'll never be broken or touched. He wasn't the biggest, wasn't the fastest, and didn't have the hardest shot, but no one saw the game developing the way he saw the game develop.

The cool thing about wrestling fans is that they're so passionate.

I am in my own hall of fame, that's all that matters.

The cool thing about this business is taking the knowledge you've gained that people have passed onto you and then you pass it along to the next generation.

It's strange to think that one day you're wrestling, and the next day you're not.

I've pretty much accomplished everything I've ever wanted to do, except main event WrestleMania, and let's be honest - how many people actually get a chance to do that?

If I had a nickel every time someone asked me if I was going into the Hall of Fame, then... I could buy a lot of stuff.

I never wanted to be one of those guys who hung on too long.

I always had aspirations to be the champion. I never gave up.

For me, whenever I got into this business, I wanted to be the very best that I could be.

I always said when I was wrestling that you have tunnel vision because it's all consuming. It's hard to focus on anything else other than what you're doing. When I stepped away from that, I wanted to have my hand in a lot of different pots.

It's kinda like Hulk Hogan whereas any time Hogan walks into a room, he's got that distinctive look. Everybody, whether you're a wrestling fan or not, you know who he is. Chuck has that same thing. Whether you're an MMA fan or not, he'll walk into a room and everyone goes, 'Oh, that's Chuck Liddell.'

When I left I knew I was gonna go back to WWE. But I needed to go because whatever I was doing wasn't working. I needed to take a chance on myself and get better. The only way to do that was take some risks and go somewhere.

The word dream match is thrown around quite a bit, and I mean if you think about it. There's all these possibilities, like what if Edge could face Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins? Or, a guy like AJ Styles.

For many many years, the MMA world shunned on the pro wrestling world. They shunned on us for getting action figures and whatnot.

People don't realize what a hard job commentary is. It is so hard and one of the hardest jobs in the industry. I would never say never to anything, but I would need a lot of reps to be good at that job.

There's just some times when you need a change and you need to do different things.