At Pixar, 'Wall-E' was our ninth film, and they've all been successes - more than that, they've all really touched people. Everybody wonders, 'How do you do it?' Well, how do you not do it? You just work hard.

Every Pixar movie at one time was the worst motion picture ever made.

Everything I do and everything Pixar does is based on a simple rule: Quality is the best business plan, period.

One of the big moments of my life was watching 'Star Wars' on its opening weekend in Hollywood. I was watching all these people enjoy this film, and I thought: animation can do this.

I realized that people make cartoons for a living. It had never dawned on me that you could do this as a career.

I never quite understood why Disney hadn't made a sincere fairy tale since 'Beauty and the Beast.'

Of all bugs, growing up I just loved the pill bugs. They roll up, you play with them, you wait for them to open up, and then when you touch them they roll up again. I just love that.

I am so proud that 'Up' is Pixar's 10th film. I think it's the funniest film that we've ever made and also one of the most beautiful.

'Bolt' was made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, not by Pixar.

You cannot base a whole movie on just the imagery alone. It has to be the story and the characters.

I don't really think of myself as a businessman at all. That's why I have the 'chief creative officer' role.

I love French auto design of the early '50s, '60s, early '70s of Citorens, Renaults, and Peugeots. They're so unique.

There was a period of time when they estimated the two biggest stars in Hollywood were Charlie Chaplin and Mickey Mouse.

I love working for a company full of geeks.

I don't believe that an animation studio should be an executive-driven studio.

Short films really helped me develop as a story teller, animator, and as a director.

You never hear of a live-action studio that has been making so-so films looking over at a studio that's making great movies and going, 'Oh, we see the difference - we're using a different camera.'

The Walt Disney Animation studio is the studio that Walt Disney started himself in 1923, and it's never stopped and never closed its doors and never stopped making animation, and it keeps going as kind of the heart and soul of the company.

What I love about Goofy is the flesh on his cheeks. You can almost feel it.

I've got Disney blood running through my veins.

If you think something's stupid, it probably is.

I love movies that make me cry, because they're tapping into a real emotion in me, and I always think afterwards: how did they do that?

I try to make pictures I would want to see.

You can achieve all the things you want to do, but it's much better to do it with loved ones around you; family and friends, people that you care about that can help you on the way and can celebrate you, and you can enjoy the journey.