When you start to think about the drives that humans have, I think sometimes we find we are simpler than we thought and more easily manipulated.

Even though I grew up in America, at home we spoke mostly Chinese, because my mom is from Taiwan.

One of the many delights that I found in directing was that you plan so many things so meticulously so that they go smoothly. But you also have to leave time and space for spontaneous emotional moments to arise.

There's nowhere that looks like Singapore; it's absolutely beautiful on a purely aesthetic level.

Growing up, I would take out books from the school library and hide them in the hamper. I'd wait until my parents fell asleep, and then I'd sneak into the bathroom, turn on the light, and dig out the books and read all night.

Holding women to the idea of 'write what you know' subtly reinforces the status quo. Writing is a chance to celebrate who we are. But it's also a chance to celebrate who we could be.

The humanities are not something that get you a pension and health insurance.

Don't just sit there dreaming; dreaming is the luxury of the rich.

We can understand both our nature and our nurture, but understanding is only the first step.

What does the future of 'Westworld' look like? I don't necessarily think that we've seen the last of these artificial worlds that are central to the concept of our series as a whole. But the major lens that we will have is going to be the real world.

There are very few video games where there are - like, completely pacifistic - and if there are, I tend to play them - 'Dance Dance Revolution,' there was a game called 'Flower' that I really enjoy.

The biggest thing my parents gave me was this feeling of, not 'dream big,' but strive big.

I've always had a problem with over-identification with inanimate objects.

But in a TV series, you can really take a novelistic approach and explore characters that you wouldn't ordinarily see, in a level of complexity that you wouldn't ordinarily get to explore just out of the sheer time constraints in a feature.

I personally am not so obsessed about immortality for myself. The human body has been designed that way, obsolescence is OK.

The ways in which mankind tends to invent technology is because we have this drive to create and to innovate, and we don't necessarily pump the brakes when we're doing it.

The appealing thing to me about Wonder Woman is the question of, who is this woman in tights and leotard walking around? What's her story and how does it resonate with women today?

When I first began writing, it was not in screenwriting but in poetry. That form was so evocative, all about the image and the emotion captured in a Polaroid-like smattering of words.

I love the idea of the literary salons in France where artists and writers would all come and talk and drink absinthe.

I was always interested in writing from an early age, but it seemed so far away and inconceivable, like wanting to be an astronaut or a pop star.

If you play a game like 'Grand Theft Auto' you don't go home afterwards and cry because you ran over a couple characters, because you do not give them personhood.

For me, I've always been fascinated by tales of the Chinese railroad and the workers and the conditions of the workers who built the railroad.

I grew up in Asia, and I remember as a little kid being in Taiwan watching films there and being so awed by these new worlds of entertainment.

I try not to look at press. However, I have a mother, who will gladly tell me what's going on out there.