I would say that, between us, I tend to be a little bit more philosophically optimistic. Jonah, I think he sees things as more finite.

I've been looking for a superhero I could tune into and relate to for years, and when nobody stepped in to take the place of 'Buffy' in my poor soul, I thought, 'Maybe I can create somebody!' That's how 'Headache' came to be.

If action scenes just happen decontextualized, they lose their weight and the viewer can feel they don't make sense and that they wouldn't have happened that way.

America is built on the labors of the oppressed.

I log on and there are so many cookies embedded in my computer - it's like they know what I need before I do.

I need to be believe that dragons are real. I want them be a real thing.

Being a lawyer, it's like holding a key card to a parallel dimension of rule sets in the world, and it's lovely to make sure that key continues to work and to continue to brush up on the law every so often.

I think it's a very powerful notion, the notion that our personal views, although closely held, are not necessarily right. That part of what is noble is making sure there are checks and balances and a plurality of opinions.

When I play 'Grand Theft Auto,' I'm such a nerdy little law abider because I've always had this active imagination in which I sympathize and empathize with things.

Traditional westerns typify some of the hardships men face: you have to be rugged, silent, stoic. It's a man against nature, against the world.

I see my work behind the camera as the actualization of a poem. I like to linger on images, conveying things through stillness.

You see in moments of duress not only the darkest parts of human nature but also the brightest, the most noble.

There's a kind of beauty to a skyscraper.

I don't like seeing talented storytellers ruled by fear.

I really like Greg Rucka's work. I loved 'Lazarus,' and I loved 'Stumptown.'

'Deadpool' is massively successful because they made a very unique movie. That uniqueness and originality, try to imitate that. Not, 'How about let's try to do 'Deadpool' on a train.'

The great thing about a reboot is, you can learn from the past if you care enough.

There was a choice of being a director who's more familiar with the technicality of doing a movie, like learning about the camera and filters and setup, or being a director who can actually talk to actors. And I always wanted to be an actor's director.

My brother took me to my first football match when I was five, and I quickly acquired a passion for it: once you've walked into a football ground, you know there's nothing comparable to it.

I focus every day on my career.

You can't find jewelry on me.

I'm not a very girlie girl.

Dominic West is one of the greatest actors.

Football is a great environment for a movie because there is such passion for it and so much adrenaline.