I eat 'The Walking Dead' like its made of brains. Can't even watch the show, I love the book so much.

My first gig ever was writing looplines for a movie that had already been made. You know, writing lines over somebody's back to explain something, to help make a connection, to add a joke, or to just add babble because the people are in frame and should be saying something.

That's the great thing about 'The West Wing:' you really felt like you were in the thick of it.

I love a straightforward character. I am the guy who loves Cyclops on the 'X-Men', because he is square.

I always enjoy conversation more if there is some substance to it - which is a just incredibly hilarious thing for me to say because for many, many years I was the guy whose only contribution to any conversation was, 'There was a funny 'Simpson's' joke about that.'

Remember to always be yourself.

'Buffy' is about growing up. 'Angel' is really about already having grown up, dealing with what you've done, and redemption.

I was not popular in school, and I was definitely not a ladies' man. And I had a very painful adolescence, because it was all very strange to me. It wasn't like I got beat up, but the humiliation and isolation, and the existential 'God, I exist, and nobody cares' of being a teenager were extremely pronounced for me.

Remember to always be yourself. Unless you suck.

I always believe in just have as much fun as you can so that when you're in the part that you hate, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, that you're close to finished.

Always be yourself... unless you suck.

Absolutely eat dessert first. The thing that you want to do the most, do that.

Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women.

The secret to multitasking is that it isn't actually multitasking. It's just extreme focus and organization.

The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is.

Most of my time at the White House, I wrote very unfunny speeches, but every year, I would work on the correspondents' dinner, which was a reminder of this other kind of writing that I loved to do.

'1600 Penn' was a hit. It's 2018. Anything you want can be true.

I could have continued being a speechwriter for as long as I wanted.

If you can make someone laugh about something that your opponent or your opposition thinks, that means you've done a really good job of highlighting what's wrong with their argument or their position.

I will never apologize for selective editing to make myself look better.

I spent three years working at the White House and wanted to do something that wasn't about passing bills and resolutions.

We try to talk when the microphones are on the same way we would when the microphones are off.

There is an incredible appetite out there for in-depth, high-level conversations about what's going on.

I personally believe that Donald Trump being elected president is a national emergency and a crisis that stems from a great cascade of failures.