If you're a juvenile delinquent today, you're a hacker. You live in your parent's house; they haven't seen you for two months. They put food outside your door, and you're shutting down a government of a foreign country from your computer.

What fashion has started from hackers? They have bad posture, and they don't go out. I wish I had a hacker boyfriend - they stay at home up in the bedroom.

Being a traditionalist, I'm a rabid sucker for Christmas. In July, I'm already worried that there are only 146 shopping days left.

I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty.

The rudest possible gift is a gift card. It means you think the person is stupid and has no interests. The only good gift card is Bitcoin. You practically have to be a hacker to know about it.

We never want to update 'Black Watch,' because it's about a moment in time, and through that moment, it manages to speak about Afghanistan and all other wars. This play is 'about' Iraq, but it's actually about every war that's ever been or will ever be.

You can only really get to any truth by telling peoples' stories.

Theatre is a playground. It really is, and we should use that playground more.

I'll always have a relationship with Scotland.

My need is about communicating the whole, and when the whole is there in the text and in what the actors are doing, then it doesn't need 'frou-frou,' as I call it.

The more everything gets digitalised, the more precious the live experience of going to the theatre is.

When you tell a story that you know is having an effect on the audience, that, for me, is the transforming thing.

The idea of audiences becoming part of the show is, I think, where theatre is going.

Only when you don't impose things on it do you get real political theatre.

Some actors just have a quality, a way of combining music and character and story, where everything just falls into place.

There are always discussions about casting stars in lead roles in theater - especially when you're working with commercial producers - and it's not something I'm against, not at all. But any casting has to be right for the project.

I suppose what I aspire to do is to make it easy for the audience to connect with a story.

How do we compete with the 3D superscreens at the cineplex? We just make it better - because theatre is better because it's live. Instead of trying to be like the poor cousin, we need to accept that we're the king.

I do like horror films, but I wouldn't ever be interested in putting a horror on stage - blood doesn't equal horror.

For me, there is a real line between something being the worst thing in the world and the best thing in the world.

There are some actors who see a show as something to do before going out.

I did a couple of short films when I was in Scotland.

I realise that there's something about fantasy, whether it's written by the Grimm Brothers or J. K. Rowling or Thorne or J. M. Barrie, that it gets closer to the human experience than realism every could.

The whole notion of never growing up is incredibly intense and emotional.