Where film can eat up story, theatre needs space and breath.

I love singing, and I used to perform quite a lot, but now, as a director, you just tend to watch other people perform and tell them what to do.

I tend to work quite a lot during the weekends. My weekend can often be about two hours on Sunday.

I don't think it's good, culturally, to base all critical judgments on a single performance.

I never get star-struck. I never fanboy. Ever, ever, ever.

I don't know how films get made, and I think I'll leave it to other people.

The power of imagination is infinite.

I had a lovely time growing up. But I was very aware of the miners' strike going on, friends' families collapsing, and people being unemployed.

I've been in Glasgow since I was 18, on and off.

I'm not interested in putting naturalism on stage - I want passion.

In film, if you've got to do a scene in a swimming pool, you do a scene in a swimming pool. If you've got to blow up a car, you blow up a car. In theater, you can't do that, and therefore, you have the opportunity to engage the audience's imagination in a way that's rich.

I studied theatre at Glasgow University and then was lucky enough to land a scholarship with a theatre group in Edinburgh.

Sometimes on Broadway, you don't know who the investors are, and you end up making a million dollars for somebody awful.

You can only make the work that you have to make. And I am old enough now to know that I can't start making shows that are going to win awards. That way madness lies.

I'm fascinated to see how 'Black Watch' connects with an American audience.

It blows my mind that you get Shakespeare where the 'low' comedy characters have got Northern or Welsh accents.

'Once' constantly surprises me. I think it's the power of the music and the storytelling that people connect with.

I worked on new plays at the Traverse and did my best work in Scotland for years, so I never had ambitions for things like Disney.

Theatre is a living organism. You only know if your show is working when you see it with an audience. You can also tell when it isn't working - it's horrible, and you desperately try to figure out how to make it connect.

Broadway is full of crazy people.

I was pre-med at Glasgow University. I was from a family who were of the mind that if you were clever enough to be a doctor or a lawyer, why wouldn't you be?

'Thou shalt not bore' is a commandment that should be at the centre of our ambitions.

I love mishmash and the chaos of art forms.

No space should be safe from theatre.