The sound of my voice is more famous than me.

The good news is in the record business, they only count your successes.

I always knew that women, some women, at times find it very difficult to find music.

You gotta remember: the record industry, in order for it to really thrive, has got to attract great people.

You should try and fail and not be afraid. Get up again.

You have to think, 'What can I do to help my team develop, grow, and become better performers?' rather than, 'What's in it for me?'

There's a sea of music out there, but there's no curation for it.

Tupac was a glorious person, and he had all the right intentions.

When I feel fear, I train myself to move forward.

We want PC makers to have better audio because these things are used as home stereos by a lot of people, and that makes it suck.

There's just no way to stop a movement in popular culture. It's going to happen, with or without you. There's absolutely no way to stop that train.

What's happened to the music industry, from my perspective, is a lot of great music is behind the wall that can't get through, and therefore, a lot of artists are getting discouraged.

I always try to go where the excitement is, where the best music is. I don't care what kind of music it is. I go with the best artist we can find.

It was frustrating that young people, through no fault of their own, were listening to terrible $2 ear buds. You can't get good sound out of those.

When you're making music, you don't look at what's going on in the studio next to you.

There are thousands of Eminems. Just listen to a song. There are thousands of them. It's just that he had the talent. It's like someone with a talent to hit a baseball. He had the talent to write lyrics.

Bob Dylan enabled rock & roll to grow up and survive. He injected the power of language and ideas into the music.

It's one thing for the industry to lose half its revenue to piracy; it's another to destroy it emotionally.

I'm not a pioneer of hip-hop; I just saw it and said, 'This thing is incredible, and these people are incredible. They should be exposed all over the world.'

Algorithms are great, but they're very limited in what they can do as far as playing songs and playing a mood.

I couldn't do a show; I have about as much talent to do television as, you know... it's not what I do. I wouldn't know where to begin.

Digital sound is damaging music; it's damaging the artists. It's so degrading.

If you follow the lead of the artists, they will take you places that you could never go on your own.

I like 'The Voice.'