I'm interested in listening to the people who walk in the door. If your ego and your accomplishments stop you from listening, then they've taught you nothing.

If you're looking for a quick hit, that means you're looking for something disposable.

I'm happy with studio infiltration, but I'm thrilled when I see 12- to 20-year olds walking down the street with Beats and not two-dollar earbuds.

I learned everything about business and about music and stuff from being a second engineer.

I'm really interested in the record industry and the artists and the problems they're having.

That's how I grew up - it wasn't cool to not have a good system.

Dre's from Compton, I'm from Brooklyn, and we both wanted to make a better life for ourselves, right? And we both - somehow, we're both recording engineers, that's how we got our break.

Just because you go to Burning Man doesn't make you Hunter Thompson.

Music industry's a fragmented mess.

If you tell a kid, 'You've got to pick music or Instagram,' they're not picking music.

There was a time when, for anybody between the ages of 15 and 25, music was one, two and three.

I really think that education is ground zero for fixing anything.

A chart that weighs some ad-supported streams the same as a pay stream... encourages artists to promote free tiers to have a No. 1 record. That's great for the tech companies, but not for artists.

Interscope is run more like a rock band than a record company. It's run in a very spontaneous, heartfelt way.

I never say someone is powerful.

Curation is everything.

A music service needs to be more than a bunch of songs and a few playlists.

The record industry needs a company like HTC to bring music to the phone.

My life changed because Bruce Springsteen got on a mic in front of me.

Talent is talent.

Dylan captured what was on a million minds and turned it into poetry. With 'Blowin' in the Wind' or 'The Times They Are A-Changin',' he set a whole new standard.

Just because you like something, that doesn't mean that you have a feel for it.

I follow cool. When I went up to see Steve Jobs, I said, 'The party's at this guy's house.'

What we feel, especially in the streaming area, especially in the services area, is that you need curation.